The Asian Age

Smokers not considered attractive by most women


Most women find smokers unattracti­ve — and would rather likely to date an e- cigarette user ( but men don't care either way), survey finds

A survey found that 56 percent of women would not date someone who smokes

However, this number decreased to 46 percent who said they would not date someone who vapes

Additional­ly, almost 70 percent of women said they found smoking unattracti­ve

Smoking rates have declined from 20.9 percent in 2005 to 15.5 in 2016

Meanwhile public acceptance has grown in regards to e- cigarettes although little is known about the long- term health effects

Women are more likely to find smoking unattracti­ve than men are, a new survey has found.

Around 56 percent of women said they would not date someone who smokes with nearly 70 percent saying they find it unattracti­ve.

There was a lesser degree of unwillingn­ess to date someone who vapes, often marketed as a “risk- free” alternativ­e.

Among the participan­ts, 46 per cent of women said they would not date a vaper with about 55 per cent saying it was unattracti­ve.

Women are more likely to find smoking unattracti­ve than men are with 56 per cent saying they would not date somebody who smokes, a new survey says. Women were more likely to date someone who vapes.

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