The Asian Age

A cosmic talking point!


The aftershock­s of the arrival of Uranus in Taurus will be reverberat­ing for a while: there’s an almost palpable frisson in the air. As Venus moves into Cancer, the cosmos will help us to look after one another during these intense times. As the Sun returns to Gemini, while Mercury forms a mystic rectangle with the Moon opposite Neptune, it seems that everyone will have something to talk about. With expansive Jupiter linking to dreamy Neptune this week, just watch out for embellishm­ents to the stories.


ARIES March 21- April 20


here’s nothing less likely to create tranquilli­ty than someone telling you to calm down. It’s a point worth rememberin­g when you’re galvanised into action and looking for supporters this week. Now that Uranus has left your sign, and as Jupiter links to Neptune, your enthusiasm has been sparked and your zest for life awakened. Just be sure that you use your energy to inspire rather than alienate. If you want people to invest in your vision, you need to be inspiring dreams and shared visions. You’re more than capable of that! IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: An aspect of the future remains hidden. Be glad. When the light dawns, you will be glad you were kept in the dark.

TAURUS April 21- May 21


you’re looking for advice, may I gently direct you towards Thomas Jefferson, who said, “I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Given your current situation, even though you don’t always heed other people’s words of wisdom, their insight might be well worth listening to. Seeking good counsel this week isn’t a sign of weakness, nor will it make you vulnerable to misadventu­re. You’ll find that support is available which will lighten your load and help you finish a tiresome task. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Every situation has an upside and a downside. Recognise what is possibly wrong; but focus on what is right.

GEMINI May 22- June 22


strologica­l forecasts can contain storm clouds, bright sunshine and everything in between. But just as it is possible to be happy in the middle of a downpour, so we can smile even when the planets create spots of turbulence. And though the weather doesn’t have to control our moods, sometimes it means that good things are easier to come by. Venus is leaving your sign this weekend, but the Sun is arriving. With your ruler set to form a mystic rectangle it’s time to put your worries aside and enjoy the celestial sunshine. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: No matter how good things have been, you are going to see moments that far outshine those rays of hope.

CANCER June 23- July 23

W e’re all subject to the tides of political, economic and social uncertaint­y, no matter where the ripples originate. But it’s always possible to find the warmth of compassion, even if we find ourselves in cold, insensitiv­e environmen­ts. Hope can be found, even in apparently hopeless situations. This week, the circumstan­ces you’re working in shouldn’t define you’re capabiliti­es. Your ingenuity and imaginatio­n aren’t limited by external forces. As Venus moves into your sign you can start to be very confident in your abilities. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Don’t fill your life with regrets and ‘ if onlys’. You will soon be glad of the thing that makes you feel most regretful.

LEO July 24- August 23


ou’re so independen­t that you don’t always feel comfortabl­e asking for support. But this isn’t always a strength. When you’re contained within your self- sufficient bubble it’s easy to be cut off from the joys of working with other people. Teamwork might be challengin­g but it brings satisfacti­on and friendship. This week, as long as you’re prepared to rely on other people’s assistance the cosmos provides the help you’ve craved but been reluctant to ask for. Once you open up to new possibilit­ies, you might be amazed by what they bring. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You see a solution to a puzzle that’s perplexing someone. Before you help, check that they want your assistance.

VIRGO August 24- September 23


o ahead, complain if you need to. No one can say you don’t have a right to that. There are so many reasons to feel unsatisfie­d or discontent­ed. Nothing’s ever perfect, and a critical eye is one of the most important steps towards improving things. But what’s most important is that you don’t get into a state of mind when you see drawbacks rather than opportunit­ies. Although you’re free to come to your own decisions and voice your opinions, don’t be surprised if you find yourself confoundin­g your own expectatio­ns this week. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: They say love makes the world go round. In your case it’s true; things are about to turn for you in a good way.

LIBRA September 24- October 23


n many corners of the globe, when a visitor arrives it’s considered good practice to offer them a drink. “Can I get you a cup of tea? Perhaps a coffee?” In this ritual the accepted reply is, “Please don’t put yourself to any trouble”; at which point, the host insists that they wanted one anyway. This can lead to a scenario in which both parties are left trying to finish drinks that they never even wanted! This week it’s important to make a gesture of kindness. But don’t let a facade get in the way of a truly insightful and wise connection. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: A situation seems serious; it requires discussion. If you don’t just ignore that need, all will have a happy outcome.

SCORPIO October 24- November 22


y son loves watching superhero cartoons featuring Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman battling against ‘ Brainiac’ — an alien who’s primary weapon is a shrink ray. You could easily form part of their heroic Justice League this week! With Jupiter in your sign, you have your own personal ‘ growth ray’. Just because it’s focussed on communicat­ion issues doesn’t mean that you’re due a week of battling against dark, nefarious forces. It’s magnifying your imaginativ­e, creative powers too. You’re equipped for success. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Relationsh­ips involve power struggles. There’s nothing wrong with any tension you are experienci­ng. Fear not.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23- December 21

The American magician, T. A. Waters said, “Misdirecti­on is the cornerston­e of nearly all successful magic; without it, even the most skilled sleight of hand won’t create an illusion of magic.” You need to provide your audience with something awe- inspiring this week. Baffle their imaginatio­ns. Blow their minds. They’ll be so busy watching the glitz and glamour that you’ll be able to do what you want to do. Then, as long as your motives are good, the magic you create can change the dynamics of a tricky relationsh­ip for the better. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There’s a temptation to take a superficia­l view of a situation that has great depth. It deserves more thought.

CAPRICORN December 22- January 20


little sensitivit­y is in order this week. But, of course, no one can tell you how you should behave. You can be as blasé as you want to be. There will be consequenc­es, though. Sometimes we’re all tempted to throw our hands up and ask, “Why should I care?” But a life without caring is a life filled with pettiness and shallownes­s. It’s one where distance and loneliness might replace close friends and shared experience­s. That’s why it’s worth going the extra mile when it comes to emotional responsive­ness this week. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Something is tugging on your heartstrin­gs. What advice you would give to someone else in your position? Heed it.

AQUARIUS January 21- February 19


ou can be gorgeously generous, astounding­ly approachab­le, incredibly ingenious, and unbelievab­ly understand­ing... when you choose. And you can swing dramatical­ly in the opposite direction too. Both of these paths can be successful. But once chosen it’s hard to move from one to the other. Although you may be feeling unsettled or nervous about a scenario or person, try to fall back on to generosity and hope this week. Give the road of positivity absolutely everything you’ve got and it will give at least as much back to you. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: We can look silly when we doubt something authentic. Give the benefit of the doubt. You will benefit.

PISCES February 20- March 20


t’s as if you’re walking around with a glowing light bulb above your head. People are attracted by your ingenuity. Even though you might find this perplexing, there’s no doubt that your imaginatio­n is in overdrive and your ability to find extraordin­ary solutions to complex problems is at its height. As you lend an ear to those around you, the inspiratio­n you’re handing out will find its way back and affect your life. You’ll find a simple way to resolve a conflict in your personal life too. Watch out for Eureka moments this week. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Is there a difference of opinion that can’t be quickly fixed? To be properly cleared, this must be properly aired.

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