The Asian Age

AAP lauds Rahul’s speech, questions criticism of his hug


Patna, July 21: The AAP on Saturday lauded Rahul Gandhi’s speech during the no- confidence debate in Parliament and criticised the BJP for making a “fuss” over the hug the Congress president gave to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Although we have difference­s with Rahul Gandhi on most issues, we admit that his speech yesterday was excellent and he did a fine job of exposing the Modi government’s failures,” Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said.

Asked if the AAP was open to joining an antiBJP front of parties like the Congress, he said as of now it was not part of any such front. But Mr Singh, who is member of the AAP’s political affairs committee, added it was the need of the hour that all parties opposed to the BJP come together.

“We are unable to understand the fuss being made by the BJP over his gesture of hugging the Prime Minister,” he said, referring to debate on the opposition’s no- confidence motion against the Modi government.

Mr Gandhi had created a flutter during the debate by walking up to the Prime Minister’s seat and hugging him. “They are fine with the PM hugging his then Pakistani counterpar­t Nawaz Sharif, US President Donald Trump and other heads of state. What is their problem with Gandhi?” Mr Singh asked.

He said the prime minister’s own reply to the

They are fine with the PM hugging his then Pakistani counterpar­t Nawaz Sharif, US President Donald Trump and other heads of state. What is their problem with Gandhi? — Sanjay Singh, AAP MP

debate on the motion was “devoid of gravitas”.

“The opposition yesterday did a fine job of putting the government in the dock for its numerous failings,” Mr Singh said.

“The government may have won the trust vote on the floor of the House, but it has lost the trust of the people of the country and the same would get reflected in the results of the next Lok Sabha polls,” he told reporters.

Mr Singh accused the BJP of having “vitiated” the atmosphere in the entire country, mentioning incidents like the lynching of a man in Rajasthan by cow vigilantes and the recent assault on social activist Swami Agnivesh in Jharkhand. “Ironically, these acts are carried out while raising slogans in praise of Bharat Mata and ‘ gau mata’. The BJP should tell us which mother would condone such barbaric acts in her name,” the AAP leader said.

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