The Asian Age

Study highlights risks for BP control


Washington: Efforts to reduce blood pressures for patients with hypertensi­on is an important factor in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, but a new study has found that attaining a lower blood pressure could create a subpopulat­ion of patients whose blood pressures may go too low, which can further pose risk for serious falls and fainting. A new study conducted at Kaiser Permanente found that if patients with hypertensi­on, taking prescribed medication­s, experience unusually low blood pressures, they are twice as likely to experience a fall or faint as patients whose treated blood pressure remains 110mmHg and above. To determine the effects of blood pressure reduction among hypertensi­on on patients, a team of researcher­s studied the electronic health records of more than 475,000 patientswh­o were prescribed medication to treat hypertensi­on. Over a oneyear period, both mean and minimum systolic blood pressure readings of less than 110 mmHg were associated with higher rates of serious falls and fainting that resulted in emergency department visits or inpatient encounters. Among the patients with treated blood pressure, 27 per cent had a systolic blood pressure under 110mmHg during at least one visit, 3 per cent of patients had an average systolic pressure reading of less than 110mmHg over the oneyear study period. Patients who had an average systolic blood pressure lower than 110mmHg over the one- year study period had a 50 percent greater risk of serious falls and fainting than those who had an average systolic blood pressure higher than 110mmHg. Researcher­s concluded that older patients are more likely to have acute reductions in blood pressure, such as orthostati­c hypotensio­n. — ANI

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