The Asian Age

NEP will teach children how to think: Modi

5+3+3+4 curriculum structure to start


Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that India’s education system needs to change according to the changing times, and therefore the new National Education Policy (NEP) has introduced a new structure of a 5+3+3+4 curriculum.

Addressing a higher education conclave via video conferenci­ng, Mr Modi said the new policy stresses on “how to think”, instead of “what to think”, and its emphasis was on inquiry-based, discovery-based, discussion­based and analysis-based learning methods for children.

Mr Modi added that the new policy also provides for a “credit bank” so that students can have the freedom to leave a course in the middle and utilise them later when they want to resume their courses.

The Prime Minister expressed happiness that no section of the country had claimed that the NEP had any bias. “After the NEP came, no section of the country said the policy has any bias. It is a matter of happiness,” the PM said while addressing a “Conclave on Transforma­tional Reforms in Higher Education under the National Education Policy”.

“The new education policy is not just a circular. The job doesn’t end with the notificati­on of the policy, it has to be successful­ly implemente­d, for which a strong determinat­ion is needed from everyone. This is like a ‘mahayagya’ to build the present and future of the country,” Mr Modi said.

“Every country equates education with its national interest and moves forward. The goal is that the education system should keep the present and future generation future ready. The NEP’s basis in India is similar. The NEP’s goal is to equip the youth of India to face future challenges,” he said.

Every country equates education with its national interest. The goal is that the education system should keep the present and future generation future ready. — Narendra Modi

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