The Asian Age

Early childhood education is hit the worst during pandemic times

- S. B. Shashank The writer, a serving IAS officer, is director in the department of women and child developmen­t of the Delhi government. The views expressed here are personal.

The Covid- 19 pandemic, unpreceden­ted in its spatial extent, has hit every aspect of human life across the world. Political and geographic boundaries have lost their meaning, and even the remoteness of islands have not deterred it from marching ahead. As long as the fury of the calamity lasts, unabated and unchalleng­ed, its effect will keep rattling all mankind. While the divide based on income differenti­als will continue to determine the gravity of its impact on individual­s, however temporary that impact may be in some cases, young children all over are turning out to be the worst sufferers, as recent reports suggest.

According to a Unicef report released in June 2020, there are 28 million children in India, who otherwise could have gone to anganwadis but for their closure due to the pandemic health risk and have been at home for the past six months. These children, in general, belong to the economical­ly disadvanta­ged sections of society, but it’s also true that those enrolled in private institutio­ns, mostly in urban and semi- urban areas, such as nursery or KG schools, are not better off either. What early childhood education intends to impart is to develop social and emotional skills of compatibil­ity and conflict, which won’t happen except in the company of other children. Instead of technology-leveraged remote learning, it requires a physical environmen­t which grooms listening, speaking and interactin­g for the healthy mental growth of a child. Digital accessibil­ity and affordabil­ity, to some extent, can compensate for proficienc­y in literacy and numeracy but the overall growth of a child happens best in the company of peers. Why early childhood learning is so important in the growth of children and its effect on lifestyles has been documented in various studies and reports that show that it is directly linked to a child’s seamless and confident migration to primary school and further transition to secondary education, a reduced probabilit­y of being school dropouts and attaining life skills and higher education. That’s the reason why deprivatio­n of early childhood developmen­t carries a risk on the lives and future of children cutting across the economic divide or digital divide. On the extent of deprivatio­n of early childhood care and education, another Unicef report says that worldwide nearly 40 million children, of which 22 million are from South Asia alone, have missed out on learning in the critical pre- primary school year as Covid- 19 has shuttered all early education facilities.

The new National Education Policy document that was released last month, amid the pandemic crisis, undoubtedl­y emphasises the government’s resolve to give renewed focus to this critical aspect of child developmen­t. Though the report candidly admits that crores of children, and more so those belonging to socio- economical­ly disadvanta­ged sections, are deprived of quality early childhood care, it provides a roadmap on curriculum design, infrastruc­ture developmen­t, technology use and capacity infusion. But these are longterm solutions with primary focus on achieving sustainabl­e developmen­t goal SDG 4.2, which is about a commitment to ensure that by 2030 all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood education so that they are ready for Class 1 as a stepping stone for primary education.

Every species survives because it cares for its offspring. This is true for human beings as well. A solution to the obstructio­n posed by the current pandemic is not easy to find. The strategy, therefore, must be on mitigating the effects of this obstructio­n. On the education front, countries across the globe are grappling with back- to- school plans. Many in Western countries are seriously considerin­g it as a viable choice as they are worried about the loss to society due to missing childhood. In a vast country like India, one solution may not fit all. There will be different solutions for rural areas, urban areas and metropolis­es for the purpose of restoring early childhood learning. In rural areas, where open spaces are available, active community support will help in organising small groups of neighbourh­ood children to keep them engaged with daytoday activities like listening, speaking and learning while maintainin­g a safe distance. Home- based technology tools such as smartphone­s, radio, television and cable networks can be used, depending upon digital accessibil­ity and affordabil­ity. In urban and metro setups where open spaces are hard to find, the neighbourh­ood grooming of one or two children by an older person can be adopted for this purpose. Though group activities may be difficult to perform, such grooming will keep children engaged and save them from neglect due to the closure of pre- schools.

Like all other pandemics in the past, Covid- 19 will also become history one day, thanks to human ingenuity. But young children who have lost their formative years of learning should not become victims. This needs to be pre- empted by early action. Anything done too late will be too little. The lack of finance should not be allowed to come in the way. A study by James Heckman, a Nobel laureate in Economics and an expert in the economics of human developmen­t, shows that investment in early childhood yields better returns and offers a cost- effective strategy even during a budget deficit.

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