The Asian Age

Kerala govt amends its anti-dowry rules

Appoints district officers to end menace


Thiruvanan­thapuram, July 17: In view of increasing complaints of dowry harassment in the state, the Kerala government has amended its Dowry Prohibitio­n rules to appoint “dowry prohibitio­n officers” in all 14 districts as part of taking stringent measures against the menace.

State health minister Veena George said the post of dowry prohibitio­n officers had already existed on a regional basis in three districts-Thiruvanan­thapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode-and it has now been expanded to all districts.

The district women and child developmen­t officers would act as dowry prohibitio­n officer in each district, she said here in a statement.

As pert of the initiative­s, the director of women and child developmen­t has been appointed as the chief dowry prohibitio­n officer.

“The appointmen­t of the dowry prohibitio­n officers is part of the government’s efforts to crack down on dowry in view of increasing cases now-adays,” Ms George said.

Noting that the first phase of the training of district officers has been completed, she said the government had already invited expression of interest from voluntary organisati­ons for assisting women in complaints related to dowry.

Besides this, steps have been taken to set up district advisory boards and intensify awareness programmes, she explained.

Awareness classes for students on gender and rules for women are being conducted in associatio­n with colleges and National Service Schemes, the minister added.

The LDF government has come out with the series of measures to curb the decades-old practice of giving and accepting dowry as part of marriages in the wake of a series of dowry related deaths had rocked the state recently.

Governor Arif Mohammed Khan recently observed a day-long fast urging people to root out the menace. State police also kicked off a “Say No to Dowry” campaign against dowry atrocities on women. —

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