The Asian Age





ARIES March 21 - April 20

f I tell you that the cosmos intends to smile on you this week, will I be raising your expectatio­ns? Will you feel resentful if you don’t feel the effects of a celestial bonus? Of course not. You’re an Aries. You’re not the kind of person who thinks like that. And I’m not the kind of astrologer who gives a forecast that isn’t based on reliable cosmic data! As Venus moves into a new celestial home, it brings the chance to attain an important objective. You just need to focus your thoughts on constructi­ve plans (rather than silly regrets).

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Something valuable is developing. Trust it; try this out… free audio and video forecasts: W

TAURUS April 21-May 21

e should be glad of all the drama we see on our TV screens. It captures our imaginatio­ns and prevents us from having to create excitement in our own storylines. If our minds are busy digesting complicate­d plotlines, we don’t have time to imagine our own enemies or anticipate unlikely challenges in our lives. Or do we? Could you be conjuring up a dubious explanatio­n of an ordinary event? This week, as your ruler changes signs, what looks as if it could be a problem turns out to be the seed of a source of great satisfacti­on.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Working out where you stand? You will like how it turn out; especially for you… free audio and video forecasts:

GEMINI May 22-June 22

W e live on a minuscule lump of rock that spins in space. The space goes on forever — in all directions and for all eternity. Time and space are infinite. Human beings, on the other hand, are not. We begin. Then we end. And since we’re not capable of comprehend­ing the concept, we just ignore it. Unless we happen to be physicists — in which case we work on theories that try to explain it. Understand it or not, there’s no getting away from the fact that you live in a world of infinite possibilit­ies. This week, anything is always possible!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Success depends on you showing good faith; right here, right now… free audio and video forecasts:

LEO July 24-August 23

I t’s one thing to be scared of your own shadow; it’s another thing entirely to be cross about your own opinions, or afraid of your behaviour. If there’s something about ourselves which we disapprove of — we need to find ways to forgive it or to change it. If someone else’s attitude proves difficult this week, don’t waste your precious time trying to make them see what they clearly can’t see. As Venus changes signs, you need to focus on broadening your own horizons. You’ll see that nothing looks as difficult as it used to look.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Some territory has been off-limits. Reassess an old idea; ready now... free audio and video forecasts:

LIBRA September 24-October 23

D oes anyone on the planet enjoy filling in forms? There are always impossible questions to answer. What, for example, would you write in the box where it asks about the number of people who are dependent on you? Surely, it’s an incalculab­le number! There are so many folk who rely on you for support. Of course, those forms are asking about ‘legal dependency’; but don’t you place integrity above everything? As your ruler, Venus, changes signs, if asked to choose between obligation and inspiratio­n this week, stick with the latter.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Worried about your security? It’s natural. All is well; don’t miss out… free audio and video forecasts:

VIRGO August 24-September 23

H ow much more of your sentence do you still need to serve? Sorry? You weren’t aware that you’re imprisoned? Well, you’ve certainly been through a tough time recently. Not to mention the fact that you’re being judged by all sorts of people. And you’ve had to put your own needs and interests on the back burner. As Venus, the planet of love and creativity, moves into your sign, it brings a much-deserved sense of freedom. You can shake yourself off and enjoy a more liberated approach to life. It’s time to enjoy yourself again.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Pleasing events will soon provide confirmati­on of an admirer; a brilliant offer… free audio and video forecasts:

SCORPIO October 24-November 22

T he situation you find yourself facing may not be ideal. Yet, once again, you’re able to rise to the challenge. Because recent events have eroded your self-confidence, you may be questionin­g your ability to make a difference to a tricky scenario. Yet, as Venus moves to a new celestial home, it brings you the will and the resolve to take action. You’ve already achieved more than anyone could ever have expected. Even if you don’t accomplish all that’s on your to-do list this week, you’ll be delighted by how far you get.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Be careful of who — or what — is leading you into new ground; Oscar’s gift… free audio and video forecasts:

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

W ho are you? What are you doing here? Why do you matter to the creator of the universe any more than a blade of grass or a buzzing bee? What gives you the right to expect any kind of status or success? Surely everything we see is an expression of the same life force? Why should nature prioritise your needs over anything else? I ask because this week, as Venus changes signs, you face a situation that shows you how much you matter and how clearly the cosmos cares about you. Don't let it go to your head!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You might not be getting what you want, but it’s what you need; discover the inner you… free audio and video forecasts:


January 21-February 19

S hould we accept well-out-of-date food or poor behaviour? Of course not. Even if there seems to be no choice, we shouldn’t settle for such bad deals. Yet other factors are a matter of taste and expectatio­n. Sometimes, we learn to appreciate experience­s that we started off disliking. Don’t accept the unacceptab­le this week. But do feel free to experiment with what might just be acceptable after all. As Venus, the planet of beauty and pleasure, changes signs, an experience you’re not looking forward to holds a treasure.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: It’s not possible to be unbiased. Be wary of your own strongest views; unmissable gift… free audio and video forecasts:

PISCES February 20-March 20

S ome of us like to cling onto our dislikes and our objections. We nurture our grievances as if they're our pets. You’re not usually like this. You’re a giving and forgiving Piscean. You like to let bygones be bygones. Somewhat understand­ably, though, you’re still upset about a recent experience. You don’t feel inclined to let it go just yet. Hold onto the lesson it taught you, by all means, but try to forget the upset that it’s caused. As Venus moves into your opposite sign, you need and deserve your heart to be light this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: That state of abject angst will soon be a thing of the past; there’s more… free audio and video forecasts:

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