The Asian Age

Uncover radiance with Mandelic Acid



Skincare and acids — sounds like a nightmare combinatio­n! But these days, everyone is well versed with the benefits of certain types of acids for youngerloo­king and even-toned skin. “Alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids are the two skincare acids — they remove dead skin cells, revealing healthy, smooth skin. But these acids may be too harsh for dry, sensitive and eczemapron­e skin. So, the trick is to choose an acid type which suits your skin. That’s where mandelic acid comes in. “It’s a gentle exfoliatin­g acid that won’t irritate even the most sensitive skin type,” says Dr Swati Takkar, skincare expert, Derma Essentia.


It is a type of AHA derived from bitter almonds. Like other AHAs, it exfoliates the skin deeply, but its most unique feature is its molecular structure. It has a higher molecular weight than both glycolic and lactic acids — the two most hyped AHAs.


Its large molecule size allows mandelic acid to penetrate the skin slowly, and thus it is less likely to cause redness and skin irritation. And low absorption doesn’t mean it is less effective. Its micro-exfoliatin­g properties are similar to the other AHAs, and, what’s more, it is the only one that works on the deeper layers of skin to tackle problems such as pigmentati­on, acne and sun damage. Research proves that mandelic acid is as effective as glycolic acid in reducing pigmentati­on and melasma from sun damage.

As we age, collagen and elastin levels decrease. These proteins maintain the skin’s elasticity and a youthful appearance. Mandelic acid stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the body, thus reducing signs of aging.


Mandelic acid offers multiple benefits for all skin types and is helpful in common skin concerns such as enlarged pores, acne breakouts, pigmentati­on, fine lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliates gently: It helps loosen the bonds between damaged skin cells present on the surface and slough them off to produce a clear complexion. It is not harsh and thus suitable for every skin type.

Helps to unclog pores: Mandelic acid has the unique ability to penetrate deep and break through oil to unclog pores. It also reduces excess sebum production, thus making it ideal to minimize pore size.

Control acne breakouts: It has antibacter­ial and anti-inflammato­ry properties. It also removes dead skin cells and clears out bacteria which causes clogged pores and thus breakouts.

Reduces hyper pigmentati­on and melasma: Sun exposure and aging can cause dark patches, hyper pigmentati­on and melasma. Mandelic acid may lighten and reduce pigmentati­on and brown spots by 50% when used consistent­ly for 4 weeks.

Prevents aging signs:

As you age, collagen and elastin levels decrease. These two proteins are essential for skin elasticity and a youthful appearance. Mandelic acid stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the body, thus reducing signs of aging.

Improves skin texture and brightens complexion:

Mandelic acid promotes cell turnover, removes dead skin cells and improves the absorption of skincare products. This, in turn, reduces skin damage and makes the skin even-toned, firm, smooth and bright.


“As mandelic acid is a chemical exfoliant and promotes cell turnover, dermatolog­ists suggest adding it to night care routine. This will allow better absorption and work overnight for best results,” says the skincare expert.

“You can find mandelic acid in a cleanser or toner. It is also often available in the form of serums and chemical peels,” says Dr Swati.

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