The Asian Age

Quitting is not giving up


In the contempora­ry culture quitting is often viewed as a failure. We extol the people who persevere in the face of adversity. As the saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But sometimes, quitting is the only thing to do. Sometimes, it’s the best option. I learned this myself when I finally made the looming decision to quit my corporate job in the US and start practicing Tarot. I loved my job, I loved living in the US, and I was earning exorbitant­ly well. But I wanted to give my passion for Tarot a fair chance, so I decided to pack my bags, return to India, and start my Tarot practice. It might seem to be a rash decision, but for me, it has been the best decision of my life. Contrary to popular opinion, quitting takes courage, you have to leave a comfortabl­e path and find a new one. Or, if there is no new path to be found, then create a new one. This can apply to numerous aspects of life-home, work, education, family, friends, relationsh­ips, and habits.

In fact, the Six of Swords in Tarot teaches us that sometimes the only way to solve life’s problems is to leave them, go someplace new and start afresh. Though such a departure might appear cowardly or irrational it is often the best approach. Not only is it sometimes a smart option but it is also a good decision to design a new path that will hopefully lead to greater happiness and glory. All you need to do is to analyze where you’ve been and where you’re going. This mental clarity will help to smooth the path ahead, making the transition from negative to positive as comfortabl­e as possible.

I'm not suggesting that if something doesn’t seem right or works out right away, you should abandon it. Continuing is also bold and sometimes the best option. But, if you know that quitting is the correct thing to do, don’t be scared to do it because of what others might think.

My dear readers, I wish you realize that we have a finite amount of time and an infinite number of possible pathways to take. Don’t waste your time on anything that makes you uncomforta­ble or threatens your happiness.

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors” ~Aldous Huxley.

Open some doors and let the air in.



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