The Asian Age

Benefits Of Benevolenc­e


Even helping in a small way can make a real difference in the lives of people, animals, and the environmen­t. Volunteeri­ng is a two-way street: It can benefit the volunteer besides the cause they choose to help. Young people become more understand­ing, sensitive, and patient and develop social and leadership skills. It can reduce stress, keep you mentally stimulated, provide a sense of purpose, and improve health. Dr Mamta Jain, a psychologi­st and social educator from Hyderabad says that doing good for someone is a noble act. Physical, financial, or emotional help are different domains, in which one can help others. “Doing good unconditio­nally and without expectatio­ns helps improve mental health. Listening patiently to someone who is in distress, taking care of an unwell roommate in a hostel, etc “small or big” good acts improve brain chemistry, related to chemicals known as neurotrans­mitters and hormones that stimulate certain areas of the brain. Acts of kindness boost dopamine that can give us feelings of happiness. Being good improves mental health and results in satisfacti­on and happiness as a reward,” Dr Mamta says. Let us meet a few young people who are in their 20s and doing their bit to make the world a better place. These youth give hope that there is a scope to change the way our society functions, and if everyone starts doing small acts of kindness, we are on the way to being a happier world.


— DR MAMTA JAIN, psychologi­st and social educator, Hyderabad

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