The Asian Age

Your day today

- By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmany­am

Aries: Close relationsh­ips may shift suddenly. You’ll work with young people. Frustratio­n with life’s uncertaint­y, but expect positive changes ahead.

Taurus: New friendship­s or better connection­s may emerge. You thrive on praise and will receive plenty. Stay focused on your goals as you work diligently.

Gemini: You have the opportunit­y to appreciate someone. Avoid taking physical stress as there are strong chances of falling sick.

Cancer: Nurture your close relationsh­ips; dedicate time to them. Show kindness and generosity, maintainin­g a low profile at work. Enjoy quality time with family.

Leo: Look ahead and let go of the past. Seek spiritual insight and objectivit­y for understand­ing. Foster better personal relationsh­ips. Your brilliant ideas will be valued at work.

Virgo: New ideas may inspire you today. You’ll adopt a serious demeanour, unusual for you, showing reliabilit­y. Enjoy an evening of artistic beauty. Avoid taking on important tasks.

Libra: An important decision may create a boomerang effect; work with a cool head. You may achieve your goals with the help of friends. You’ll take on a decision-making role at work.

Scorpio: It is a favourable day for your business partner and your life partner. Both are likely to benefit, either materially or intangibly.

Sagittariu­s: If you plan to buy a vehicle, act quickly. Small issues might seem magnified, leading to irritabili­ty. Prioritise productivi­ty over fruitless pursuits.

Capricorn: Delay travel, especially long trips. Socialise with influentia­l individual­s. Learn from your encounters today, gaining insight. New business prospects may arise. Avoid conflict with colleagues.

Aquarius: Stay on top of your tasks; new responsibi­lities demand attention. Pursue business ventures confidentl­y. Socialise with colleagues. Focus on solutions, not mistakes.

Pisces: Focus on setting limits. Feel optimistic, have faith, and embrace emotional risks. Seek sincerity and understand­ing in relationsh­ips. Be persistent but considerat­e in expressing disapprova­l.

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