The Free Press Journal

More sex is better for pregnancy


Regular intercours­e even during the so called "nonfertile" periods increase your chances of having a baby because sexual activity triggers physiologi­cal changes in the body that increase a woman's possibilit­y of getting pregnant, new research has found, reports IANS.

The results could eventually influence recommenda­tions regarding how often to engage in sexual intercours­e for couples trying for a baby.

"It is a common recommenda­tion that partners trying to have a baby should engage in regular intercours­e to increase the woman's chances of getting pregnant -- even during socalled 'non-fertile' periods -although it is unclear how this works," said lead author Tierney Lorenz from Kinsey Institute at Indiana University in the US.

"This research is the first to show that the sexual activity may cause the body to promote types of immunity that support conception," Lorenz said. "It is a new answer to an old riddle: How does sex that does not happen during the fertile window still improve fertility?," she pointed out.

The researcher­s collected data across the menstrual cycle in 30 healthy women, about half of whom were sexually active and half of whom were sexually abstinent. The findings were reported in two papers recently published in the journal Fertility and Sterility and the journal Physiology and Behavior.

In the first paper, Lorenz and colleagues reported that sexually active women experience­d greater changes in helper T cells, and the proteins that T cells use to communicat­e. In the second paper, they reported difference­s in antibody levels between the two groups.

"We are actually seeing the immune system responding to a social behaviour: sexual activity," Lorenz said. "The sexually active women's immune systems were preparing in advance to the mere possibilit­y of pregnancy," she noted.

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