The Free Press Journal

Modi is anti-Dalit, claims Surjewala


The Congress has accused prime minister Narendra Modi of having an anti-Dalit bias and following the RSS agenda for the ‘subjugatio­n and annihilati­on’ of the rights of the depressed classes. Party spokespers­on Randeep Surjewala has said that his mind set of the RSS has been exposed by the sarsanghch­alak Mohan Bhagwat’s observatio­ns on the issue of the reservatio­ns for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes that have been guaranteed by the constituti­on.

“On his part the prime minster has betrayed the same mind set by sharp cuts in the budgetary allocation­s for the welfare of scheduled castes under ‘SC Sub Plan’ with the result that these have been reduced from Rs.50,548 crore in 2014-15 to Rs.30,850 crore in 201516, and from Rs.32,386 crore in 2014-15 to Rs.19,980 crore in 2015-16, for the welfare of scheduled tribes under the ST sub plan”, he said.

Another party spokespers­on Shoba Oza charged that the prime minister is wearing different masks as he is campaignin­g for the party in the Bihar elections.

"The way ministers in the Modi government are raising the communal temperatur­e in the wake of the Dadri incident and still the Prime Minister is silent suggests his tacit approval for their actions. The way things are developing, right to life will have to be demanded ", she told reporters.

Responding to Modi’s charge that the current grand alliance comprising Janata Dal( U), Rashtriya Janata Dal and the Congress is the most opportunis­tic combinatio­n, the Congress spokespers­on said that a current BJP ally union minister Ram Vilas Paswan had resigned from the Vajpayee cabinet in the aftermath of the Gujarat communal riots while before the Lok Sabha elections another union minister Upendra Kushwaha was a JD(U) MP.

She charged that the prime minister had actually issued a veiled threat to people of Bihar almost telling them that if they failed to elect BJP to power, they will be denied the Rs. 1.25 lakh crore package from the centre that has been promised by him.

“But the people of Bihar, know that the prime minister promises the moon before the elections, but delivers little after getting elected,” she quipped.

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