The Free Press Journal

A match made in heaven!


How did the two of you meet? Debina: Both of us came to Mumbai from our respective cities, me from Calcutta and he from Jabalpur since both of us had won a ticket through a talent hunt contest. Since we all were staying together, I knew him. After the talent show I returned to Calcutta and then decided to come back here to make a career. I was staying as a PG with a fellow contestant. Her boyfriend and Gurmeet were good friends...

Gurmeet: So when my friend used to go to meet his girlfriend, I would go along with him. When the couple would get busy with each other, Debina and I had no option but to chat with each other. One day, my friend had to go to Delhi for his sister’s wedding for a period of 15 days. That was the time when I lost my reason to go to Debina’s place. And that's when we realised we were missing each other. Our relationsh­ip happened because of other people but the irony is that particular couple broke up after a while...

You have been married three years now, long enough to know each other really well. How would you describe each other?

Debina: Gurmeet is an absolutely adorable person. He practicall­y wears blinkers that make him so focused to work in that one direction and not get distracted.

Gurmeet: Debina is my everything. She's my pillar, my backbone. She's someone who supports me in everything. Well, not just me - she supports everyone. Whenever any of our

Who knew DEBINA BONNERJEE and GURMEET CHOUDHARY’s mythologic­al pairing in ‘Ramayana’ would turn real some day? The couple talks about life together, to VIRAJ SAWANT.

friends have issues they often come to Debina for advice or help. I am very lucky that Debina is with me.

What do you think is the secret to a long lasting relationsh­ip?

Debina: I personally think love is the only secret ingredient to a long lasting relationsh­ip.

Gurmeet: Marriage is all about adjustment and flexibilit­y, because two different people come together. Do not expect your partner to do something for you; make it a point to do something for your partner instead.You partner will do things for you, maybe tomorrow. Leave all expectatio­ns aside.

Any tips for the newbies out there?

Gurmeet: Marriage isn't rocket science. A lot of people get scared of it but it's an absolutely simple thing - you just have to put in some effort to make it work. We discuss and sort out everything. A lot of people involve a third person in their relationsh­ip; we have just kept it to ourselves. If you are planning to get into a relationsh­ip or marriage, I would say, it's an amazing thing. You won't get more emotional or mental support from anything else. Respect each other, support each other.

Can one do without marriage or is it mandatory? Debina: It isn't mandatory. Get married only when you feel like or when you feel it's the right time. We had been living together from 2005 and got married in 2011. We did not feel the need to put a stamp on the relationsh­ip. If you are living with someone with the same kind of adjustment and love, then it is as good as living after marriage. Marriage is a social institutio­n to declare to the world that he is my husband officially.

Gurmeet: If you have been in a relationsh­ip for a long time, you don't have to put in extra efforts to make it work. Things haven't changed between us. The equation is still the same. Debina has never put any restrictio­ns on me and vice versa. Via a live-in relationsh­ip, you get to know if you can stay with the other person for life or not.

One thing you haven’t done for your partner but wish to?

Debina: He wants to party in Vegas! That is one surprise that I would like to give him but adjusting his time and mine is a bit tough.

Gurmeet: Debina has a plan for our future: she says we should work for 40 years and then settle down in a place like London. I want to fulfil this dream of hers.

Who has the last say on any decision?

Debina: Both of us! Anything and everything has to be a joint decision. It's an unspoken thing. I remember, while buying our house everything was done but Gurmeet hadn't seen the place because he couldn’t find the time to do so. He was shooting for a reality show and his daily soap. But I waited for him and kept things on hold in spite of the fact that the flat could go out of our hand if we didn’t book it. He was fine with my decision but still I kept it on hold and waited for the day when he would be free to see it. Gurmeet trusts me blindly but I wasn't convinced with just my decision - his agreement had to be there.

Gurmeet: Reaching a decision take a lot of hardship. We sit and argue for a long time, convince each other. If I understand her point then I keep shut and the same is the case with her.

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