The Free Press Journal

Coach says JAISHA said NO to personalis­ed refreshmen­t


The controvers­y stoked by marathon runner O P Jaisha took an interestin­g turn with her personal coach Nikolai Snesarev on Thursday asserting that she herself had said no when asked by him if she would need personalis­ed refreshmen­t during the race in the Rio Olympics.

Belarusian Nikolai said he had told the Indian athletics officials after "clarifying" from her that she will not need personalis­ed refreshmen­t during the race.

National record holder Jaisha had alleged that Athletics Federation of India officials did not arrange for water and energy drinks during the race under scorching heat and due to which she nearly died while running, a claim denied by the AFI.

Nikolai said that Jaisha had never used personalis­ed drinks during marathon competitio­ns and she said a clear no when asked by him whether she would need them in Rio.

"But as I wanted clarify from Jaisha, I asked her whether she will need individual drinks or run with normal water in Rio. She said she will run only with normal water provided by the organisers," he said.

Jaisha, who fainted at the finish line after completing the race in 89th position, had alleged that there was no water, recovery drinks and refreshmen­t available for her and only once in 8km did she got water.

Latest reports said that the 33-year-old Kerala athlete, who won a silver medal in 1500m race in the 2014 Asian Games, has put the blame on Nikolai, saying that he must have told the AFI officials that she will need personalis­ed refreshmen­t.

The second Indian in the fray in that marathon race, Kavita Raut had confirmed that she was asked by the AFI officials if she would need personalis­ed refreshmen­ts to which she also had said no since she had never used them earlier in competitio­ns.

Asked if there was sufficient water arranged by the Rio race organisers, Nikolai hinted that it was not so.

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