The Free Press Journal



RASHIDIN: Nearly 70 children were among 126 people killed when a suicide car bombing tore through buses carrying evacuees.

Pope Francis urged an end to “horror and death” in Syria on Sunday as he celebrated the traditiona­l Easter Day mass in Rome.

The Easter mass, the highlight of the Christian calendar began under a cloudy sky where worshipper­s had gathered since the early hours to gain access amid tight security. After a short bout of heavy rain, the pontiff gave his traditiona­l Urbi et Orbi blessing, to the city and the world, in which he prayed for those suffering from war, famine and political unrest, highlighti­ng Syria, but also Ukraine and conflict zones in Africa.

He expressed hope that Jesus’ own sacrifice might “sustain the efforts of all those actively engaged in bringing comfort and relief to the civil population in Syria, prey to a war that continues to sow horror and death.” And he prayed for peace for the entire Middle East “beginning with the Holy Land, as well as in Iraq and Yemen.” He also spoke out against the hostilitie­s and famine in Africa, notably in South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He further urged world leaders to hear the message of peace as they contend with “the complex and often dramatic situations of on Sunday’s world,” and to work “to prevent the spread of conflicts and to put a halt to the arms trade.”

The mass followed his Good Friday prayer in which he deplored the suffering of migrants, the victims of racism and the persecutio­n of Christians around the world. Easter week got off to a bloody start last Sunday when 45 people were killed in attacks on two Coptic churches in Egypt which were claimed by the Islamic State group. The entire area around St Peter’s Basilica was blocked off, with only several access points for those admitted after having their bags inspected.

 ??  ?? A view of St. Peter’s Square filled with faithful during Easter Sunday Mass celebrated by Pope Francis, at the Vatican on Sunday
A view of St. Peter’s Square filled with faithful during Easter Sunday Mass celebrated by Pope Francis, at the Vatican on Sunday

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