The Free Press Journal

Beyond chartered accountanc­y


I am in class 12 in commerce. Since the time I joined college after passing my SSC exams, my family members and my parents are constantly talking about how I will join the chartered accountanc­y course and I will be able to earn a good pay package when I become a CA. It seems that they are either unaware or they are not willing to see that there are many other career options available to commerce students, CA is not the only one. It also feels like they think my career is a ticket for the family to change their financial standing.

Over the past two years I have not spoken about it with any of them, not even my parents, but the more I look at the syllabus and subjects in the CA course, the more I am determined not to do it. I have also spoken to a few of my seniors in college who have taken classes for the Foundation Course in CA, and have I understood that I am not cut out for it. Now, if I tell any of my family members that I am not interested, they will think I am not considerat­e to them and their needs and I am rebellious. I am interested in taking up either management studies (BMS) or banking and insurance (BBI). I have checked the subjects, and I feel I will be able to do well.What should I do? – Hetal Mehta Dear Hetal, It seems that you have spent quite some time with this dilemma and you are at a loss as to how to talk to your family members about it. It also seems as if you are already sure that you are not going to pursue chartered accountanc­y, it is a matter of time when you will have to break the news to your family, and the time has to be soon, since you are already in 12th commerce. I suggest that first you speak to your parents, very calmly, without raising your voice, and get them to understand your position. After all, parents want their children to do well in whichever field they are. You show them how students have made successful careers in banking, insurance or management. If you are able to convince them, then you will have won your battle, since they are very likely to talk to the rest of your family members, favouring your decision. All you need to remember is that you need to talk about your interests, and look at the positive examples.

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