The Free Press Journal

Le Pen's party replacemen­t steps down over Holocaust comment


Just days after taking over the position from Marine Le Pen, the interim leader of France's far-right National Front (FN) on Friday stepped down after facing criticism for comments he made apparently contesting the use of gas chambers during the Holocaust.

Jean-François Jalkh was named the interim president of the party on Tuesday after Le Pen stepped aside to fight for the French presidency.

Jalkh is to now give way to one of the far-right group's vice-presidents, Steeve Briois, Efe news reported.

Speaking to France's BFMTV, Le Pen's partner and party's Vice President Louis Aliot said Jalkh did not feel he was best poised to carry out his function and therefore would step down to "lodge a complaint and defend his honour".

Following Jalkh's appointmen­t as interim leader, French media dug out comments he made during an interview over a decade ago in which he apparently contested the use of Zyklon B for the mass exterminat­ion of Jewish people by Nazis during the Holocaust.

"I consider that from a technical standpoint it is impossible -- and I stress, impossible -- to use it in mass exterminat­ions. Why? Because you need several days to decontamin­ate a space (...) where Zyklon B has been used," he was reported as saying.

Jalkh was to continue in his position as SecretaryG­eneral of the Jeanne micro-party, founded by Le Pen, for which he was currently being investigat­ed amid allegation­s that the party misused public funds during the 2012 legislativ­e elections.

Le Pen's presidenti­al rival, centrist Emmanuel Macron, has used the FN's far-right roots as a cornerston­e attack tactic in his own campaign trail.

On Friday, Macron visited Oradour-sur-Glane in central France, where WaffenSS troops murdered 642 people in June 1944 in the worst Nazi massacre in occupied France.

Opinion polls taken since the first round on Sunday suggest Macron, candidate of the En Marche (On The Move) movement, will easily beat Le Pen in the second round of vote for the presidency on May 7.

 ??  ?? Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen

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