The Free Press Journal

PCB to sent legal notice to BCCI


The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is set to legally notify the BCCI by next week about compensati­on for India's refusal to play bilateral series.

A top official of the PCB told PTI that the Board's legal advisor Salman Naseer had visited London recently in connection with the preparatio­n of the legal battle.

"He went there to complete the preparatio­ns for filing claim for compensati­on. We have already told the BCCI officials at the ICC meeting that we intend to sue them for compensati­on," he said.

The official said the compensati­on claim would be for the revenues Pakistan would have generated by hosting India in two series under the MoU signed between the two Boards in 2014.

The official made it clear that it was not PCB's problem if BCCI failed get clearance from its government to play against Pakistan since the ICC was an independen­t body and its members had to honour commitment­s with each other.

He said that Pakistan had not opposed the Big Three system of governance and distributi­on of revenues among member countries from ICC events in 2014 because of the MoU signed with India.

"We feel that we are justified and legally in a strong position to now claim compensati­on from the Indian board for all the losses we have suffered because of their refusal to play us," the official said.

Under the MoU, India and Pakistan were scheduled to play six series -- three of them home events for Pakistan between 2015 and 2023.

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