The Free Press Journal

PM forcing saffron laws?


By wanting to pass the law of the Bhagavad Gita being read in schools, the Prime Minister is only trying to put saffron laws into the country. Why should Catholic and Muslim students read the Gita which is against our religions? Moreover, why should it be made compulsory in Catholic and Muslim schools? Will reading/studying of the Holy Bible and the Koran be made compulsory in Hindu schools? I would like an answer from our Prime Minister. Before shoving the Bhagavad Gita down the throat of others, I would recommend the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to read Chapter 18, Shloka 67 of the book. Krishna himself said, “Do not tell this knowledge to those unwilling to listen to it, those who do

not practice austerity, those who are not my devotees and those who envy me.”

— Jubel D’Cruz

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