The Free Press Journal

Accept The Reality & Move On

- — By Rajyogi Brahmakuma­r Nikunj ji

We all experience pain in our day to day life coz its inevitable and it is a part of being human. Our pain might stem from losing a dear one, losing our job, a bad break up, a fatal accident or undergoing any other kind of trauma or situation. However, when we hide from facing or accepting the reality, we create suffering. Therefore it should be clearly understood that we are the sole creator of good and bad in our life and hence its futile to blame others by saying things like -- It’s not fair, why me?, this shouldn’t have happened with me atleast or I can’t bear this anymore! etc..

There is a deep instinct in most of us to fight the pain we experience deep within, however in most cases it backfires and we end up experienci­ng double pain. The reason behind this is our tendency to avoid and in some cases hide our pain or pretend that it isn’t present. A wise person would instead accept the reality and become light instead of getting heavy on mind because accepting simply means that you stop trying to deny your reality and you acknowledg­e it because sometimes accepting the painful emotions can reduce our suffering, because we are no longer running from them or pushing them away. So if you have been hurt by someone, its best to accept that YES you were hurt and then move on with your life rather then pondering over why,how,what…. Remember! to forgive or not is each one’s own prerogativ­e, but acceptance is necessary for moving forward in life or else we would get stuck up in quagmire of waste thoughts.

Once we accept reality, our anger tends to decrease and the painful situation loses the power it has over us. There is no denying the fact that emotional pain is an intrinsic part of all our lives, however, we create needless suffering when we don’t accept reality. When we practice acceptance, we let ourselves to move on, we open the door to freedom and we take steps to improve our lives. Most of us may find it hard to accept the reality and still prefer to wait for time and situations to change , however in doing so, we forget that time does not heal everything, but acceptance will heal everything.

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