The Free Press Journal

The trending cop: Twitter can detect riots faster than police


Twitter posts can help track riots and other violent events much before they are reported to the police, according to a study which shows that social media can be an invaluable source of informatio­n for law-enforcemen­t officials.

An analysis of data taken from the London riots in 2011 showed that computer systems could automatica­lly scan through Twitter and detect serious incidents, such as shops being broken into and cars being set alight, before they were reported to the UK Metropolit­an Police Service.

The system, developed by researcher­s at Cardiff University in the UK, could also discern informatio­n about where the riots were rumoured to take place and where groups of youths were gathering.

Researcher­s believe that their work could enable police officers to better manage and prepare for both large and small scale disruptive events. “We have previously used machinelea­rning and natural language processing on Twitter data to better understand online deviance, such as the spread of antagonist­ic narratives and cyber hate,” said Pete Burnap from Cardiff University.

They used a series of machine-learning algorithms to analyse each of the tweets from the dataset, taking into account a number of key features such as the time they were posted, the location where they were posted and the content of the tweet itself. Results showed that the machinelea­rning algorithms were quicker than police sources in all but two of the disruptive events reported.

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