The Free Press Journal

You Will Find All That you Are Searching For

- — T. G. L. iyer

Christophe­r Columbus did not set sail to discover the new world on the strength of a mere dream. His log books read like a manual for goal-setting: “I proposed to make a new chart for navigation on which I will set down all the seas and the lands in their correct locations and their correct bearings. Further, I shall compile a book and map everything by latitude and longitude. These things will be my primary task”. In real life, are you ready to cruise your course through rough seas and an uncertain future?

Ken Kragen, Hollywood producer created amazingly simple approach as explained in his book “Life is a contact sport”. He recommends the ‘backward thinking for forward motion’. By thinking backwards from your ultimate goal, you can create a roadmap to travel forwards to get to your destinatio­n. This method can be used to achieve almost any profession­al or personal goal whether to feed the hungry, design a car or govern the people.” J.B. Margan says ‘the first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.’ In other words, find out what you want to do in life and go and associate with those who are already doing it. When Swami Vivekanand­a asked Ramkrishna Paramahans­a, “Have you seen God?” Ramakrishn­a replied, ‘Of course, I have. You can also see HIM.’ God does not stand at the same place. Take one step towards HIM and He will take ten steps towards you. You walk towards Him and He will come running to you.”

The eagle builds a strong nest on the mountain top, lays eggs, feeds the young ones after the hatching and when they are ready to fly tells them ‘come to the edge’. The eaglets say ‘we are afraid’. Mother eagle repeats ‘come to the edge’. Then hesitating­ly they come. Mother pushes them into space and they fly! Fear is a force that has driven and destroyed many a pioneer on the journey from one land to another and the endless inner roads of the soul. If you put fear behind, never allowing it to come in front, then it can push you, make you move faster and think smarter.

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