The Free Press Journal

Vanquishin­g the Kings


THE lion is the King of Beasts.

But sometimes, even the kings have to eat humble pie. Once an amateur photograph­er who was at South Africa's Kruger National Park, was shooting a wildlife film with his handycam, when he was able to capture a very rare instance.

A herd of Cape buffaloes was grazing near a water hole when a pride of lions decided to attack them. As the predators charged, the cattle ran helter skelter. All escaped except a very young calf, upon whom the lions pounced. Ordinarily, the herbivores would have left the hapless creature, since survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle. But, not this time. The herd returned, charging at the lions. They attacked the lions, butting them with their horns and kicking them with their legs. Lions have sharp claws and teeth, but they were of little use against this angry charge of the buffaloes. One of the lions was even flung high in the air by the buffaloes.

In all this confusion, the calf fell into the water. A crocodile tried to pull in the calf while the lions pulled it from the other end.

But the herd fought together, rescuing the baby. The crocodile retreated to the water and the lions fled, their pride terribly injured. And the calf, though wounded, was united with its herd.

The video titled ‘Battle at Kruger’ can be viewed on YouTube.

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