The Free Press Journal

All relationsh­ips are same


Long-term and shortterm relationsh­ips may look more or less identical in the beginning, a study has found. “Long-term and short-term trajectori­es typically pull apart after you’ve known someone for weeks or months,” said Paul Eastwick, an associate professor at University of California, Davis (UC Davis) in the US.

“In the beginning, there is no strong evidence that people can tell whether a given relationsh­ip will be long-term and serious or short-term and casual,” said Eastwick, who led the study published in the Journal of Experiment­al Psychology: General.

Eastwick and his colleagues surveyed more than 800 people from a wide range of ages. They used a state-of-the-art “relationsh­ip reconstruc­tion” survey in which people reproduce the events and experience­s they had in their prior real-life short-term and longterm relationsh­ips.

The researcher­s asked the participan­ts to reconstruc­t these relationsh­ips from the very beginning. This procedure differs from the standard “relationsh­ip science” approach, which starts studying people once they are already in a dating relationsh­ip.

“Some of the most interestin­g moments in these relationsh­ips happen after you meet the person face-to-face, but before anything sexual has happened,” Eastwick added. “You wonder ‘is this going somewhere?’ or ‘How much am I into this person?’ It is somewhere around this point that short-term and long-term relationsh­ips start to diverge, and historical­ly, we have very little data on this particular period of time,” he said.

The researcher­s found that romantic interest rises at the same rate in both short-term and long-term relationsh­ips. However, at some point, romantic interest tends to plateau and decline in shortterm relationsh­ips, while in long-term relationsh­ips, it continues to ascend and reaches a higher peak.

 ??  ?? ...In the initial stages at least, it is only later that one can define it as either a long-term or a short-term relationsh­ip
...In the initial stages at least, it is only later that one can define it as either a long-term or a short-term relationsh­ip
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