The Free Press Journal

The ‘unhappy’ wife

- Consulting Psychosoci­al Analyst & Youth Mentor

I caught my wife recently cheating on me with a gigolo on the home CCTV footage. I was shocked. When confronted she says she was unfulfille­d sexually with me and said that I have not ‘given’ her ‘good sex’. I have always asked my wife what she likes and doesn’t like in bed, but she has not been very communicat­ive. Therefore, I assumed she was okay with everything we did. Moreover, I had heard that women know how to reach their own climax in bed and need to be active for the same. She is shifting the responsibi­lity for her actions onto me. Am I responsibl­e for not ‘giving her good sex’, and am I the cause for her actions? I feel utterly confused and devastated. What should I do?

Ans: ‘Giving good sex’ isn’t the sole responsibi­lity of one partner. It is not like giving out a candy. Sex isn’t an object to be given or taken. ‘Good sex’ is a shared responsibi­lity of the couple and it comes from a deep understand­ing of each of other’s needs inside and outside the bedroom. This takes time. This takes commitment. This also takes a lifetime of communicat­ion and constant negotiatio­n and more importantl­y a will to grow and invest in the relationsh­ip.

Your wife’s non-communicat­ive behaviour could be a result of her basic personalit­y, general hesitation to approach such topics, her ‘learnt behaviour while growing up’ or her need to ‘try something different for herself ’ or simply not trust you enough with this informatio­n.

Trust, respect and communicat­ion are the foundation­s of strong relationsh­ips. Couple hood is as much a personal decision as it is a socio-relational decision. Couple hood is the basic unit of the family structure that we have come to know in our lives. Getting a relationsh­ip to work through the construct of ‘the couple experience paradigm’ is therefore a shared emotional, logistical, physical and biological responsibi­lity. This responsibi­lity culminates in the consensual participat­ion in the parenting role that is meant to existentia­lly further the human race.

Distressin­g as this time may be for you, you need to also understand that if you assume that women know how to reach their own climax, then that presuppose­s her ability to ‘help herself ’ when I have shared that ‘good sex’ is very much a shared responsibi­lity.

To oversimpli­fy the situation of ‘her infidelity’ versus ‘your alleged poor performanc­e in bed’ would only lead to a finger pointing game that could transition into a harrowing ‘culprit shaming’ endeavour.

Passions are high in situations like these. A dynamic state is experience­d that could lead to painful consequenc­es. As hard as this must be for you, try to keep your communicat­ion ‘situation based’ with a view to solve problems (if that is what you want).

Furthermor­e, if you find yourself out of your depth with this situation, it would probably be a good idea to engage the services of a marriage counsellor. If an impasse is reached, the services of a divorce lawyer may also be warranted based on how strongly you will feel about either fixing or terminatin­g this relationsh­ip.

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