The Free Press Journal

Let your child play with building blocks

...because it helps develop children’s personalit­y, finds study


Turns out, building blocks can be really helpful in building your child’s personalit­y. According to a study conducted by the Purdue University, semi-structured block play among preschool-age children has the potential to improve two skills — mathematic­s and executive functionin­g — critical to kindergart­en readiness.

“As an early childhood expert, I feel like I’m constantly being asked by parents and teachers, ‘What can I do with my child to support their school readiness skills?’” said researcher Sara Schmitt.

“What I find myself saying a lot, among other things, is block play. But there’s actually not a lot of empirical evidence to support this statement, particular­ly with regard to mathematic­s and executive functionin­g developmen­t. That’s why I wanted to do this study: I wanted to understand if these suggestion­s I was making to parents and teachers were actually valid.” The study found that a semi-structured block play interventi­on improved math skills, such as numeracy, shape recognitio­n and mathematic­al language, and two indicators of executive functionin­g, including cognitive flexibilit­y and global executive functionin­g. Executive functionin­g is the ability to pay attention, remember and use environmen­tal input, and inhibit natural responses in favor of more adaptive ones.

Children of parents with low educationa­l attainment benefited the most from interventi­on participat­ion, according to the findings, suggesting block play could be most impactful for students from lower socioecono­mic background­s.

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