The Free Press Journal

Show some grace, Congress tells PM


The Congress on Saturday blasted Prime Minister Narendra Modi mocking at its president Rahul Gandhi's hug in the Lok Sabha in a public rally at Shahjahanp­ur in Uttar Pradesh.

Asserting that Rahul had given the hug "out of pure grace," party spokesman Jaiveer Shergill said Modi''s reaction completely exposes his "politics of hate."

"If he can hug Pakistan's PM, then why can't he show the same grace towards people of his own country," he asked at an AICC press briefing here.

Is it not surprising that Nawaz Sharif's "jhappi" is acceptable to PM Modi, but he dubs Rahul''s "jhappi" as "gale padna" (forced act), Shergill asked.

On Modi''s public rally, he said: "After Friday''s lesson from Rahul Gandhi, we were hoping PM Modi would finally speak some truth, but he

continues with his train of lies."

In the Lok Sabha too, he said PM Modi convenient­ly sidesteppe­d vital issues raised by Rahul "because he was bereft of facts and statistics."

Since the PM was in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday, Shergill said he would certainly ask: "When will farmers of UP get their Rs 20000 crore which is owed by the sugar mill factories?"

He said the PM must answer why there is a 40% rise in farmers' suicide cases in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh.

The nation is fed up with PM's event management style of politics and it is, in fact, craving for sound governance," the Congress spokesman added.

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