The Free Press Journal

Concerns over slump in consumer expenditur­e

- The writer is a freelance journalist. Views are personal. Anjan Roy

Leaked reports over estimates of consumer spending is sending shockwaves across the economy and the political spectrum. A report that consumer spending has fallen in 2017-18 compared with 2011-12 has created serious concerns. Monthly consumptio­n expenditur­e of the average rural household has fallen to Rs 1446 in 2017-18 from Rs 1501 in 2011-12. More poignantly, expenditur­e on food has fallen from Rs 643 in 2011-12 to Rs 580 in 2017-18. Consumptio­n expenditur­e in urban areas have increased but only marginally. It is one thing that consumptio­n expenditur­e has not risen. But to have fallen in absolute terms is sheer horror for a developing economy like India’s. Overall, deprivatio­n is widespread, that only hefty rises In consumptio­n could be fitting in all fairness.

It is taken to be the ultimate vindicatio­n of the deepening slow down in the economy for the last couple of years and since these things do not change overnight the slowdown might just as well mutate into a full-blown recession, unless reversed with policy interventi­ons or through some ambient dynamics.

Consumer expenditur­e surveys are conducted every six years and the last one was done for the period July 2017 and June 2018. These are basically sample surveys and based on interviewi­ng a small number of people across the country. The framing of the sample surveys is a rigorous process and generally overseen by some senior economists and leading statistici­ans.

The veracity of the sample survey results depend on the architectu­re of the sample frame. These are fairly accurate in capturing the underlying reality even though the actual numbers surveyed are very small proportion of the overall population. There is hardly any reason to now suddenly undermine their veracity and these have traditiona­lly been taken as benchmark data for policy making.

It has become an establishe­d practice nowadays to run down the “quality” of data. That is done by the establishm­ent, when the data goes against a idyllic picture perfect story of well-being and progress. These are then run down by those outside of establishm­ent who want to airbrush the establishm­ent according to their own position, either politicall­y or numerous other grouses.

This time, the survey has reportedly been withheld from release although it has been approved. It has therefore been inferred that because of the adverse implicatio­ns of the survey findings the government has kept it from being public. As usual, the data quality has been the avowed objection.

Many others have quoted figures put out by private agencies doing surveys to prove dismal economic situation, as if those confer greater veracity. However, little is it realised that for better or worse it is the official statistica­l agencies which alone produce the basic data on which any meaningful conversati­on could be conducted.

First of all, no one else there than the official data collection­s agencies — like CSO, NSSO and overall the NSO — have the organisati­onal strength to collect these data on a national scale. They have numerous data collectors and agents who alone churn out the primary raw data. Not a single other agency or institutio­n can claim to have this massive national network for data collection.

Secondly, and more profoundly, no one else has the sheer knowledge base of these agencies. They are manned by some of the most brilliant statistici­ans of the country and they are name- and faceless, but inno way not fully knowledgea­ble. In this instance, the fall in consumptio­n expenditur­e, in absolute terms and extent, cannot be fictitious.

Whatever could be the reason, the cause of the fall in real consumptio­n income could be because of the sheer contractio­n of the income stream in the rural areas. The reason for this could be the sluggishne­ss in the farm goods prices observed over the last four to five years. Last year, even during the summer season — traditiona­lly the period during which vegetable and farm goods prices used to shoot up — these prices remained stable and sometimes falling.

Secondly, the situation was further compounded by the government’s emphasis on digitalisa­tion and formalisat­ion of the informal sector. Trading in farm goods are generally done in cash. Suddenly if you start insisting on formal cashless transactio­ns, the trading gets affected. Lower trading in farm goods would depress prices. Besides, to clamp down on so-called black money transactio­ns, there has been new rules on cash withdrawal­s from banks as well. And these restrictio­ns were enough throttle activity.

As if to complicate matters further, the demonetisa­tion and withdrawal of cash from the system had brought trading to a halt. No wonder that consumptio­n expenditur­e would have fallen in the face of adverse overall conditions, shrinkage of income stream and then the new rules and impounding of currency.

At the end of the day, what is needed is to correct these aberration­s. It is imperative now to reverse the trends. These can be done by vigorously pursuing the income supplement schemes like MNREGA and other incomecrea­tion programmes. This is urgently needed.

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