The Free Press Journal

Art attack, going click-crazy & more...


Weep Year!

Yes, this is a leap year and the start of a new decade. But you could also term it as a weep year! We are talking about the expenses incurred during the end of last year and the beginning of this year. Besides Christmas and New Year Eve parties that do not come cheap, there is the expenses of purchasing new clothes to look new in the new year. Then you have to get a brand new haircut or hair styling which costs money. You have to buy or make cakes and Christmas sweets and wine and other drinks to offer to guests who drop by to wish you well. As though all this is not enough, there is additional expenses incurred by way of baksheesh. Yes, the bread man, paper boy, washing woman, maid, postman, etc. all expect a fat packet at the year-end or new year beginning. Which leaves you broke at the very start of the year. But chin up, things are bound to improve as the year progresses!

Art attack!

Art, art and still more art — that’s the picture at the start of 2020 with standalone art galleries around town showcasing varied artworks as part of the Mumbai Gallery Weekend. And it’s also time for the 10th Mumbai edition of the India Art Festival (IAF) at Nehru Centre. This is really huge with over 500 artists and over 5,000 artworks on view. Present at the inaugurati­on were Ravi

Dubey, Nandish Singh Sandhu, Preeti Jhangiani, Dilip Joshi, Lalit Pandit, Sonalika Pradhan, Ivanka Das and Abhinav Gautam among many more along with Rajendra, founder and MD of India Art Festival.

Live and Kicking

Listening to the DJ is fine but for a truly magical musical experience nothing quite beats the sound of a live music act unfolding before you. Lounges and nightspots around town give us an occasional live music act, some every Sunday like Soul Fry with its Sunday afternoon live music. Gymkhanas, too, are known for their live music, like the Wednesday night live music at Bandra Gymkhana that is very popular. Coming up, on January 31 at Willingdon Catholic Gymkhana in Santa Cruz is the Jazz Night with Samantha and the Crooked Tailbones. In action will be super singer Samantha Noella whose styles include jazz, R&B, funk, blues and soul. Joining her will be Gianluca Liberatore, jazz double bass player and an educator from Palermo, Sicily, cool keyboard player Rahul Wadhwani and drummer boy Saurav Ghosh.

Clicks and pics

Trending like crazy was the launch party of MissMalini Trending, a social media news desk about content creators and influencer­s, hosted by Malini Agarwal of MissMalini Entertainm­ent fame. This was one pulsating party at Vice — Global Tapas Bar at King’s Internatio­nal in Juhu. Fun and games was in store for everyone, along with the choicest drinks and cocktail and bountiful bites. Guests admired the rambling space of the place and the mesmerisin­g music spun by the DJ. Needless to say, everyone went click-crazy, posting pics on social media. Bonhomie filled the air and everyone had a blast, leaving Vice armed with a gigantic goodie bag packed with stuff for her and for him.

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