The Free Press Journal

Respond rather than React

— Grand Master Akshar, Spiritual Master & Yoga-preneur


In each of our lives, there are certain thoughts, habits that are a part of our lifestyles. These come about as a result of our upbringing, and the environmen­t that has influenced us during our formative years. We all hold specific value systems that are dear to us, the goal of which is to help us evolve and grow in all situations. Now, it is is highly possible that we meet people who do not resonate or connect with us. In these crucial moments, we are tested for the amount of patience, and tolerance that we carry in our hearts. What we need is to learn how to deal, and answer to these situations, circumstan­ces or people at that moment. At such a time, it is essential that you remember this simple sutra of spirituali­ty.

You should respond rather than react. This will multiply your energies to positivity, and this will help you grow to goodness. Falling down is easy but being on the path most true to you is very challengin­g, and difficult. Succeeding at this will help us in our personal developmen­t. For example, if I share a relationsh­ip with someone, and we are in the middle of a heated argument where the other person is shouting and abusing me. Is it possible that instead of fighting back, I am able to just pause, breathe and try to understand the reason behind this whole situation? I question why this is happening, and what he/she is trying to say.

Sometimes, it does happen that we do make mistakes but our egos do not allow us to accept this. So if we are able to follow this formula, then we will realise that there is something wrong that we have done which needs to be corrected from our end. Then, the response to that situation will help us save the relationsh­ip, be it personal or profession­al. Therefore, response is always better than reacting to the situation because it is born out of a thoughtful decision. It isn’t necessary that you become devoid of emotion, just that you reply mindfully, and thoughtful­ly to any given situation.

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