The Free Press Journal


Lack of jobs, pay cuts: Students fear impact of Covid on their careers


The Free Press Journal brings you a series of in-depth stories delving into the plight of youngsters who aree either finishing college, enrolling for higher education or looking to enteer the job market at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked hhavoc with their plans.

Staring at a pool of uncertaint­ies, final year students are worried about job opportunit­ies considerin­g the economic crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students are in a limbo as they eagerly await their final year results wanting to jump into the job market while simultaneo­usly witnessing employment being lost and pay cuts around them.

Shrutika Kamadh, a final year student of architectu­re said, "I had already created my portfolio hoping that I would apply for a job as soon as my results are declared. But right now, I do not even know when my results will be announced considerin­g the recent declaratio­n of the state government to not conduct final year exams in Maharashtr­a. In addition, jobs in my field of study cannot be done from home because it involves onsite work so I do not know when will that be possible."

Kamadh fears not being able to find a job due to the current financial crisis. Kamadh revealed, "My elder sister who works in the corporate field lost her job in April while, my father is suffering pay cuts. The job market seems to be going through a financial crisis. I am scared I might not be able to find a job by end of this year."

In addition, students fear work from home culture and financial crisis might increase the competitio­n for jobs. Rashid Malik, a final year engineerin­g student, said, "Often, companies hire those who are willing to travel or work at far away offices. But due to the work from home module, anybody can work from anywhere if you have access to internet and basic electronic devices. The competiton might increase as many people can work from home."

Malik fears jobs might not pay well due to financial losses borne by companies due to lockdown. Malik said, "I am willing to take up any job that I get at such a crucial stage. These jobs might not pay well because of the financial loss caused to businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is as if, we are caught up in the cycle of desperate times, desperate measures."

 ?? — A final year engineerin­g student ?? “I am willing to take up any job that I get at such a crucial stage. These jobs might not pay well because of the financial loss caused to businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
— A final year engineerin­g student “I am willing to take up any job that I get at such a crucial stage. These jobs might not pay well because of the financial loss caused to businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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