The Free Press Journal

Brazil cases hit 1m


Brazil's government confirmed on Friday that the country has risen above 1 million confirmed coronaviru­s cases, second only to the United States.

The country's health ministry said that the total now stood at 1,032,913, up more than 50,000 from Thursday. The ministry said the sharp increase was due to correction­s of previous days' underrepor­ted numbers.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro still downplays the risks of the virus after nearly 50,000 deaths from COVID-19 in three months, saying the impact of social isolation measures on the economy could be worse than the disease itself.

Specialist­s believe the actual number of cases in Brazil could be up to seven times higher than the official statistic. Johns Hopkins University says Brazil is performing an average of 14 tests per 100,000 people each day, and health experts say that number is up to 20 times less than needed to track the virus.

Official data show a downward trend of the virus in Brazil's north, including the hard-hit region of the Amazon, a plateau in cases and deaths in the countries' biggest cities near the Atlantic coast, but a rising curve in the south.

In the Brazilian countrysid­e, which is much less prepared to handle a crisis, the pandemic is clearly growing. Many smaller cities have weaker health care systems and basic sanitation that's insufficie­nt to prevent contagion.

"There is a lot of regional inequality in our public health system and a shortage of profession­als in the interior," said Miguel Lago, executive director of Brazil's Institute for Health Policy Studies, which advises public health officials.

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