The Free Press Journal

Have faith to face the world

— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


The mankind is passing through difficult times. The rising stress levels, terror attacks, environmen­tal pollution…, there are dangers lurking in every corner. When the times get difficult, we need to renew our faith. It’s faith that pulls one through difficult times. It brings out the hidden courage and potential in more ways than one.

Another thing you need to have in order to sail through difficult times is a calm mind. When the mind is calm and you are centred, it’s much easier to face any situation. For this, you need to train the mind a little to live in the present moment and drop the stress. This can be done by attending to your breath.

Combine the inner calm with your faith, and then you have the formula to face any situation. Having faith is to realise that God’s protection is there for you. This much faith is enough to move ahead in life.

If you do not have faith, you will go into fear and depression. You will not have anything to hold onto. If you have faith, you will be able to find a ground. And when you have faith that everything will be alright, everything will settle down.

The role of faith in the materialis­tic world is even more apparent as it saves one from suicidal tendencies and helps him or her see the cause of something beyond the apparent. When the life is based on faith, one follows the wisdom rather than getting caught up in revenge and hatred.

To face adverse situations in life, commitment is essential. Every small thing or big thing in life runs on commitment. Usually we think we should first have the resources and then commit. Greater the commitment you take, greater the resources you get. This is a law of nature. When you have the intention to do something good, the needed resources simply flow when it is needed and how much it is needed.

Another way is to expand your vision to include the entire humanity.

More will be given to you only if you utilise properly what you already have! This is another law of nature. Be committed to serve the world, then you will be able to face any difficult time.

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