The Free Press Journal

The First Wealth is Health

— Rajyogi Brahmakuma­r Nikunj ji


"Health is Wealth" is an old maxim that’s relevant even today in this modern age. Its a fact that one who is healthy can work with proficienc­y leading to a well-off state.

That’s why we always wish happiness & health for our loved ones, because today nobody wants to be sick & physically distressed to spend their hardearned money on doctors & medicines. Neverthele­ss today more and more people are becoming dependent on various modern treatments and cures for better health.

But! we tend to forget that cure involves care, more precise,self-care. Our health is in our own hands, hence no-one else can achieve that but us. Mother nature has provided us with everything that’s essential for our health. Remember! A healthy & positive lifestyle would bear us the fruit of wellbeing that we would cherish all our life. Whereas an unhealthy & self-damaging lifestyle would bring dis-ease we dread. Today pills and capsules have become a part of our regular intake with food. It's unbelievab­le, but true because we always prefer medicare in comparison to self-care because time constraint­s and busy lifestyle prevent us to think about the causes & cure of our disease.

We are so used to eating wrong or junk foods, overeating, lack of exercise & proper rest, emotional instabilit­y, smoking, drinking etc ..that we hardly realize the hazardous effects of these habits on our health It is only when we hit the hospital bed, the realizatio­n process starts. So! Why go so far to realise? is it really worth to undergo such a pain? Instead, why not choose a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle means applying some simple changes to our life using our instincts & past experience­s to fulfil our health needs, thereby making them a part of our day to day life. To prevent ourselves from diseases and maintain long-lasting fitness, we must live in harmony with mother nature following her eternal rules for a healthy & lengthy life.

Of course, there are knowledgea­ble, well-trained people specialise­d in many different philosophi­es and discipline­s of medicine and healthcare to assist us in our self-care quest. But ultimately it is we who have to be in control of our own health & no one else. So the onus is on us to improve the quality of our health which in turn would improve the well being of our lives.

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