The Free Press Journal

Apple wins EU court case over $15 bn in claimed taxes


A European Union court on Wednesday delivered a hammer blow to the bloc's attempts to rein in sweetheart tax deals between multinatio­nals and individual member countries when it ruled that technology giant Apple does not have to pay 13 billion euros ($15 billion) in back taxes to Ireland.

The EU Commission had claimed in 2016 that Apple had an illegal tax deal with Irish authoritie­s that allowed it to pay extremely low rates. But the EU's General Court said Wednesday that "the Commission did not succeed in showing to the requisite legal standard that there was an advantage."

"The Commission was wrong to declare" that Apple "had been granted a selective economic advantage and, by extension, state aid," said the Luxembourg­based court, which is the second-highest in the EU. The ruling can only be appealed on points of law.

The EU Commission had ordered Apple to pay for gross underpayme­nt of tax on profits across the European bloc from 2003 to 2014.

The commission said Apple used two shell companies in Ireland to report its Europe-wide profits at effective rates well under 1%.

In many cases, multinatio­nals can pay taxes on the bulk of their revenue across the EU's 27 countries in the one EU country where they have their regional headquarte­rs.

For Apple and many other big tech companies, that is Ireland. For small EU countries like Ireland, that helps attract inter national business and even a small amount of tax revenue is helpful for them. The net result, however, is that the companies often end up paying very low tax.

The Irish government welcomed the ruling. "Ireland has always been clear that there was no special treatment provided" to the U.S. company, it said in a statement.

"Ireland appealed the Commission Decision on the basis that Ireland granted no state aid and the decision today from the Court supports that view." Apple CEO Tim Cook has called the EU demand for back taxes "total political crap."

The defeat is especially stinging for EU VP Margrethe Vestager, who has campaigned for years to root out special tax deals.

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