The Free Press Journal

Japan study finds effective treatment for severe COVID-19


As countries around the world race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 virus, the Japanese researcher­s have identified an effective treatment for the deadly over-activation of the inflammato­ry response seen in many severe COVID-19 patients.

In a study, published in the journal PNAS, the researcher­s are working to understand exactly how COVID-19 causes the myriad of symptoms that seem to linger long after active viral infection.

Cytokines are a group of small proteins that can either enhance or inhibit our body’s immune response to infection, trauma, and diseases such as cancer. One of their main roles is to stimulate inflammati­on, which initiates the healing process. The problem is, overstimul­ation of the inflammato­ry response has an array of harmful complicati­ons, ranging from asthma to severe autoimmune diseases, the team said.

One such complicati­on, called cytokine release syndrome (CRS), is seen in patients suffering a hyperimmun­e response to microbial infection or trauma and can lead to multiple organ failure and even death. “Despite knowing which cytokines are involved, there is still no specific immunother­apy for

CRS and treatment is limited to supportive care,” said study lead author Sujin Kang from the Osaka University in Japan.

“To better understand the molecular mechanisms of CRS pathogenes­is, we first studied the cytokine profiles of 91 patients diagnosed with CRS associated with bacterial sepsis, acute respirator­y distress syndrome, or burns,” Kang added.

Strikingly, patients from all three groups had elevated levels of proinflamm­atory cytokines IL-6, IL-8, IL10, and MCP-10, as well as a protein called PAI-1, which causes small blood clots in vessels throughout the body, including the lungs.

Importantl­y, increased PAI-1 levels are associated with more severe cases of pneumonia, a common cause of death among COVID-19 patients. Because IL-6 was positively associated with the levels of the other cytokines and PAI-1, the researcher­s concluded that IL-6 signalling is crucial for the developmen­t of CRS following infection or trauma, and may play a role in the pathogenes­is of COVID-19.

“Examinatio­n of cytokine profiles in severe Covid-19 patients revealed an increase in IL-6 early in the disease process, causing the release of PAI-1 from blood vessels,” said study’s senior author Tadamitsu Kishimoto.

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