The Ideal Home and Garden

Nathalie Dewez, Designer


The best part about Nathalie’s job is that each day is different and every day is new. She just loves the fact that design process follows her all the time, even when she is not at her working desk. The designer’s work philosophy is as unique as her delicate light creations. Her designs are characteri­sed by an economic use of means, a minimum use of components and a focus on the ease of production. She believes that the world is her design studio and shares, “For the production of any project, a designer has to work in the factories or studio, on the telephone, in the car, while traveling but today with our ‘super connexion’ with the world, the work is not relegated in a definite office room but follows us everywhere and I quite like that.”

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ot cann syou thing three witho ut? are e the What hous and your phon e er leave moth p, my d- lapto gran r. My my fathe ait of d- portr gran my edby paint
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Your work desk will always have? A lot of mess on it

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