The Sunday Guardian

‘US has failed to curb Haqqani network’s fund raising from Gulf countries’

‘Unless and until the funding of Haqqani network is stopped, terror strikes will not abate.’


service, National Directorat­e of Security (NDS), has stated that the investigat­ion into the suicide attacks showed the involvemen­t of the Haqqani network, which was assisted by the Pakistani ISI.

Indian intelligen­ce agency sources said that a team of senior US officials from the Treasury Department had met UAE’s State Security Department ( SSD) and Dubai’s General Department of State Security (GDSS) in Abu Dhabi in December 2009 and submitted documented proof that showed that the Haqqani group was receiving significan­t funds from the Gulf, particular­ly from donors in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

“The Haqqani network at that time was raising 80% of its funds from people and organisati­ons based in UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Since Afghanista­n’s banking system was not robust, Pakistan based banks, with open support of the ISI, were acting as the courier to transfer the terror money from the Gulf to these terror organisati­ons. We know this on record that the US officials had, at the time, shown them (UAE officials) documented evidence that proved how two of Haqqani network’s senior functionar­y had made multiple visits to these countries to raise funds. However, the intelligen­ce agencies of at least one of these three countries, had at the time shifted the blame of the terror attacks on us, which had left even the US officials shocked. Unless and until the funding of Haqqani network is stopped, by whatever means necessary, such terror strikes won’t abate. Last week’s attack shows that the US administra­tion has failed to apply the required pressure on these countries that continue to act as financier of the terror organisati­ons that are operating from Pakistan and along Pakistan-Afghanista­n bor- der. To expect that Afghanista­n alone will tackle these multi-headed monsters is too naïve,” a senior official source aware of the developmen­t said.

According to sources, Pakistan’s ISI had developed a well running mechanism to pass on funds to the terror organisati­ons. “It is just like one of the many department­s that ISI has. A senior director rank official works on how much fund a terror organisati­on should be given, which is based on the ‘work’ it has been doing. The US needs to dismantle this machinery if it wants to have any impact on terror financing,” the official said.

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