The Sunday Guardian

Philippine­s city siege by Islamist militants hints at a terror zone creation in South East Asia

Fighters from the Maute group, which has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, menaced the guards and shouted at prisoners.


At the beginning of the battle that has raged for the past 12 days in Marawi City at the southern end of the Philippine­s, dozens of Islamist militants stormed its prison, overwhelmi­ng the guards.

“They said ‘surrender the Christians’,” said Faridah P. Ali, an assistant director of the regional prison authority. “We only had one Christian staff member so we put him with the inmates so he wouldn’t be noticed,” he said.

Fighters from the Maute group, which has pledged allegiance to Islamic State (IS), menaced the guards and shouted at prisoners: but no one gave up the Christian man. “When they freed the inmates, he got free,” said Ali.

It was a brief moment of cheer, but over the next few hours the militants took control of most of the city, attacked the police station and stole weapons and ammunition, and set up roadblocks and positioned snipers on buildings at key approaches. The assault has already led to the death of almost 180 people and the vast majority of Marawi’s population of about 200,000 has fled.

The seizing of the city by Maute and its allies on the island of Mindanao is the biggest warning yet that the Islamic State is building a base in Southeast Asia and bringing the brutal tactics seen in Iraq and Syria in recent years to the region.

Defense and other government officials from within the region told Reuters evidence is mounting that this was a sophistica­ted plot to bring forces from different groups who support the Islamic State together to take control of Marawi.

The presence of foreigners - intelligen­ce sources say the fighters have included militants from as far away as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Chechnya and Morocco - alongside locals in Marawi, has particular­ly alarmed security officials.

For some time, government­s in Southeast Asia have been worried about what happens when battlehard­ened Islamic State fighters from their countries return home as the group loses ground in the Middle East, and now they have added concerns about the region becoming a magnet for foreign jihadis.

“If we do nothing, they get a foothold in this region,” said Hishammudd­in Hussein, the defence minister of neighbouri­ng Malaysia.

Defence and military officials in the Philippine­s said that all four of the country’s pro-Islamic State groups sent fighters to Marawi with the intention of establishi­ng the city as a Southeast Asian ‘wilayat’ — or governorat­e — for the radical group.

Mindanao —roiled for decades by Islamic separatist­s, communist rebels, and warlords — was fertile ground for Islamic State’s ideology to take root. This is the one region in this largely Catholic country to have a significan­t Muslim minority and Marawi itself is predominan­tly Muslim.

It is difficult for government­s to prevent militants from getting to Mindanao from countries like Malaysia and Indonesia through waters that have often been lawless and plagued by pirates.

The Combating Terrorism Center, a West Point, New York-based think tank, said in a report this week that Islamic State is leveraging militant groups in Southeast Asia to solidify and expand its presence in the region. The key will be how well it manages relations with the region’s jihadi old guard, CTC said. The Maute group’s attack is the biggest challenge faced by Philippine­s President Rodrigo Duterte since coming to power last June. He has declared martial law in Mindanao, which is his political base.

His defence forces were caught off guard by the assault and have had difficulty in regaining control of the city - on Saturday they were still struggling to wipe out pockets of resistance.

On Monday, BrigadierG­eneral Nixon Fortes, the commander of the army brigade in Marawi, was sacked.

An army spokesman said this was unrelated to the battle. But a military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on Friday that Fortes was dismissed because not all his forces were in the city when the rebels began their rampage, even though military intelligen­ce had indicated that Islamist militants were amassing there.

The assault came just months after security forces attacked the mountain lair of Isnilon Hapilon, a long-time leader of Abu Sayyaf, or “Father of the Sword”, a notorious Islamist militant group known for kidnapping.

He swore allegiance to Islamic State in 2014, and quickly got other groups to join him. Most important among them was the Maute group, run by brothers Omar and Abdullah Maute from a well-known family in Marawi.

In a video that surfaced last June, a Syria- based leader of the group urged followers in the region to join Hapilon if they could not travel to the Middle East. Hapilon was named IS leader in Southeast Asia last year.

The Philippine­s military said Hapilon was likely wounded in the raids but managed to escape to Marawi, where he joined up with the Maute group. Some officials said Philippine­s security forces became complacent about the threat from IS after the January raids.

“We did not notice they have slipped into Marawi because we are focusing on their mountain lairs,” Philippine­s Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told reporters.

Over the past few months, Philippine and Indonesian intelligen­ce sources said, Hapilon’s forces were swelled by foreign fighters and new recruits within Marawi. Many of the outsiders came to Marawi using the cover of an Islamic prayer festival in the city last month, said Philippine­s military spokesman Lt. Col. Jo-Ar Herrera.

Lorenzana said that Hapilon brought 50-100 fighters to join Maute’s 250300 men, while two other groups, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and the Ansar Al-Khilafah Philippine­s, together brought at least 40 militants with them.

On 23 May, four days before the start of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, they launched their attack when Philippine forces made an abortive attempt to capture Hapilon inside Marawi.

After the military retreated in the face of a phalanx of armed guards, about 400 militants quickly fanned out across the city, riding trucks mounted with 50- calibre machine guns and armed with rocket-propelled grenades and high- powered rifles.

Within hours, they attacked the jail and nearby police station, seizing weapons and ammunition, according to accounts from residents. Herrera said the attack had the hallmarks of a profession­al military operation. “There was a huge, grand plan to seize the whole of Marawi,” he said.

After the initial battle, IS flags flew across the city and masked fighters roamed the streets proclaimin­g Marawi was theirs, using loud-hailers to urge residents to join them and handing out weapons to those who took up the offer, according to residents. Officials in neighbouri­ng Indonesia worry that even if the Filipinos successful­ly take back Marawi in coming days, the threat will still remain high. “We worry they will come over here,” said one Indonesian counterter­rorism official, noting that Mindanao wasn’t very far from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

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