The Sunday Guardian

‘only Modi after MahatMa Can Change india’


After Mahatma Gandhi, Narendra Modi is the only leader who can change India. Who is making this strong statement? No, it is not a politician from the BJP stables. It is a simple 101-yearold man, Shyam Saran Negi living in the tribal Kalpa village of Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh, which goes to the Assembly polls on 9 November. Negi has cast votes in 16 Lok Sabha and 14 Assembly elections post-Independen­ce, and is excited to exercise his franchise in the coming polls. With a broad smile, Negi told The Sunday Guardian over a video phone call with the help of a local man that “I am the first voter of Independen­t India by default as the first elections in the tribal area were held in 1951.” Negi makes it clear that “leaders should rise above caste, creed and regional politics and must work without any bias. Unfortunat­ely, that is not happening.” In his early age, Negi worked as a forest guard but left as he says “there was too much corruption in the department”. Then he worked as a school teacher. Asked which leaders have impressed him the most, Negi says, “I am a great admirer of PM Narendra Modi. His passionate speeches have impressed me a lot. He talks from his heart. In my opinion, after Mahatma Gandhi, he is the only leader who has surfaced to bring about a change.” In his view, “Modi is a good and strong leader who will be remembered by the people for long.” Asked to comment about his home-state, Negi says that several scams have hit developmen­t and political parties should field only those candidates who enjoy good reputation and have a strong will to serve the people.

“My Himachal has grown, no doubt, but the tribal and backward areas still feel neglected on the developmen­t front,” says Negi, adding with a smile, that “whosoever wishes to listen to this old man, I only say that vote only for developmen­t and forget all other considerat­ions”.

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