The Sunday Guardian

Live God’s way of life and peace

- By Rev. Dr. Richard Howell

Vijay eventually realised the life he wants is found in doing things God’s way. Earlier, Vijay rebelled when in friendly conversati­on Ronny said, ‘You should do it this way.’ Vijay was interested in ‘his way’ and not ‘the right way.’ The word ‘should,’ inspires our fallen nature to rebel (Rom. 7:9-11). Paul encourages us to give up this approach, and follow ‘the real way.’ Paul writes, ‘For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live’ (Rom. 8:13). If we want to experience the fullness of life we desire, we have to live according to God’s ways; that is the real way to live. It is life transformi­ng and fills us with the joy of the Lord. Repentance is the first step a person takes when he wants to do things God’s way. Vijay’s life changed when he stopped seeing the right way as something he ‘should’ do and acknowledg­ed it as the only way his life would flourish. Now, Vijay sees honesty not just as a virtue, but as the only way he will ever have intimacy. He looks upon confession and ownership of his faults not as humiliatin­g and guilt inducing, but the way to grow and achieve goals. Vijay, in his journey with depression, endures pain and suffering as he moves toward freedom from depression and addiction. Vijay views feedback and correction as a gift that brings him peace and life. He knows living a life of sexual purity is the only way to find satisfying love. He sees forgivenes­s of others not as a law, but as a path to freedom and reconcilia­tion. Vijay knows the right way is not a religious rule God is handing down, but the way to life and peace. As Jesus said, “I came that they might have abundant life” ( John 10:10). Jesus empowers us by His Spirit to do things God’s way.

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