The Sunday Guardian

Angry Balochis oppose China Pakistan Economic Corridor


31 August, the BLF attacked two check posts of the Pakistan military along the CPEC route—in the Asank area of Balgatar district—in which one person was killed and two injured. As per the quarterly report, in July, August and September 2017, a total of 127 attacks were carried out on Pakistani forces at various places in Balochista­n. BLF claims to have killed over 70 Pakistani soldiers, including a lieutenant-colonel, in these attacks. Five BLF fighters too died.

The group also claims to have destroyed 27 Pakistan military vehicles, apart from killing 15 militants and injuring eight militants belonging to ISIS affiliated terrorist organisati­ons active in the region.

Nabi Bakhsh Baloch, secretary-general of Balochista­n National Movement-North America, a political organisati­on, which comprises several Baloch independen­ce activists living in exile, told this newspaper, “The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is now the key ingredient to the spread of human rights violations across Balochista­n along the route of its constructi­on sites, leaving a trail of burned villages and destroyed homes in its wake. Baloch people are paying a heavy price for their freedom from the terror state Pakistan. And while the Baloch and Sindhis are being butchered by the Pakistan army, the United Nations is not only silent, but also rubbing salt in our wounds by electing Pakistan as a member of the UN Human Rights Council.”

The CPEC, a multi-billion dollar project between China and Pakistan, has been criticised continuous­ly by various Baloch separatist groups that see the corridor as an intrusion by foreigners, subverting the rights of indigenous people over local resources. According to the Pakistan government, the CPEC will open new avenues of economic developmen­t for the people of Balochista­n. The estimated cost of CPEC is $56 billion approximat­ely. Out of this, an estimated $7.1 billion is slated to be invested in Balochista­n, with initial investment­s coming in energy, transport, and developmen­t of Gwadar city and port, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Planning, Developmen­t and Reform, Pakistan.

However, Baloch freedom activists insist that not only does the CPEC pass through disputed areas of Balochista­n and India, but it is also resulting in the Pakistan army carrying out massive human rights violations. Justifying its armed struggle, the BLF said in its report, “As an organised and timely motivated organisati­on in Balochista­n’s struggle for independen­ce, BLF is fighting on the frontline against Pakistan army and its proxies, including jihadist groups like ISIS and other extremist elements. This front has cost many sacrifices of our fighters, but we stand as strong as our will to defend motherland Balochista­n. The question of indigenous Baloch people’s survival and national identity is at risk and attack by enemy Pakistan’s evil intentions of greater exploitati­on, plunder and genocide in Balochista­n.”

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