The Sunday Guardian

Malware enables hackers to steal crypto-currency


Kaspersky Lab researcher­s have discovered “CryptoShuf­fler Trojan”, a new malware that cybercrimi­nals are using to steal cryptocurr­encies from a user’s wallet by replacing their address with its own in the devices.

According to the Russiabase­d cybersecur­ity company, criminals are targeting popular cryptocurr­encies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, Monero and others to steal 23 BTC (nearly $100,000).

“Cryptocurr­ency is not a far-off technology any more. Lately we have observed an increase in malware attacks targeting different types of cryptocurr­encies and we expect this trend to continue,” Sergey Yunakovsky, malware analyst at Kaspersky Lab, said in a statement.

In addition, experts have noticed that criminals were starting to use less advanced techniques and were spending less time and resources in this area.

Clipboard hijacking attacks have been known for years, redirectin­g users to malicious websites and targeting online payments systems.

In most cryptocurr­encies, if a user wants to transfer crypto coins to another user, they need to know the recipient’s wallet ID— a unique multi- digit number. Here the CryptoShuf­fler exploits the system’s need to operate with these numbers.

After initialisi­ng, the “CryptoShuf­fler Trojan” starts to monitor the device’s clipboard, utilised by users when making a payment.

This involves copying wallets’ numbers and pasting them into the “destinatio­n address” line of the software that is used to carry out a transactio­n.

The Trojan replaces the user’s wallet with one owned by the malware creator, meaning when the user pastes the wallet ID to the destinatio­n address line, it is not the address they originally intended to send money to.

As a result, the victim transfers his or her money directly to the criminals, unless an attentive user spots the sudden replacemen­t. IANS

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