The Sunday Guardian

‘saudis on board with u.s. on israel’

US-Saudi relations improved dramatical­ly due to the shared vision of confrontin­g Riyadh’s arch-rival Iran.


Saudi Arabia pulled no punches when it condemned President Donald Trump’s move to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. But Palestinia­n officials say Riyadh has also been working for weeks behind the scenes to press them to support a nascent US peace plan.

Trump reversed decades of US policy on Wednesday with his announceme­nt and instructio­ns to begin the process of moving the embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, despite warnings that it would drive the wedge between Israel and the Palestinia­ns deeper.

The Saudi royal court described the decision as “unjustifie­d and irresponsi­ble” and “a big step back in efforts to advance the peace process.”

But Arab officials privately say that Riyadh appears to be on board with a broader US strategy for an Israeli-Palestinia­n peace plan still in its early phases of developmen­t.

Four Palestinia­n officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas discussed in detail a grand bargain that Trump and his adviser Jared Kushner, are expected to unveil in the first half of 2018.

One official said Prince Mohammed asked Abbas to show support for the US administra­tion’s peace efforts when the two met in Riyadh in November. Another Palestinia­n official said Prince Mohammed told Abbas: “Be patient, you will hear good news. This peace process will go ahead.”

The US-Saudi relationsh­ip has improved dramatical­ly under Trump, partly because the leaders share a vision of confrontin­g Riyadh’s archrival Iran more aggressive­ly in the region.

Kushner, 36, whose father knew Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, has also nurtured strong personal ties with the 32-year-old crown prince. Palestinia­n officials fear, and many Arab officials suspect, that by closing the door on East Jerusalem as the future capital of a Palestinia­n state, Trump will align with Israel in offering the Palestinia­ns limited self-government inside disconnect­ed patches of the occupied West Bank, with no right of return for refugees displaced by the Arab-Israeli wars of 1948 and 1967.

The Palestinia­n officials said they were concerned that the proposal that Prince Mohammed communicat­ed to Abbas, which purportedl­y came from Kushner, presents exactly that scenario.

As told to Abbas, the proposal included establishi­ng “a Palestinia­n entity” in Gaza as well as the West Bank administra­tive areas A and B and 10 percent of area C, which contains Jewish settlement­s, a third Palestinia­n official said.

Jewish settlement­s in the West Bank would stay, there would be no right of return, and Israel would remain responsibl­e for the borders, he said. The proposal appears to differ little from existing arrangemen­ts in the West Bank, widening Palestinia­n control but falling far short of their minimum national demands. “This is rejected by Palestinia­ns. Abu Mazen (Abbas) explained the position and its danger to the Palestinia­n cause and Saudi Arabia understood that,” the official said.

The White House official denied that Kushner communicat­ed those details to Prince Mohammed.

Trump sought to temper the blow from his Jerusalem announceme­nt with a phone call to Abbas on Tuesday, stressing that the Palestinia­ns stood to gain from the plan being drawn up by Kushner and US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt.

“President Trump in a phone call told Abu Mazen: ‘I will have some proposals for you that you would like’. When Abu Mazen pressed him on details, Trump didn’t give any,” the first Palestinia­n official said.

A Saudi source said he believed an understand­ing on Israeli-Palestinia­n peace would nonetheles­s begin to emerge in the coming weeks.

“Do not underestim­ate the businessma­n in (Trump). He has always called it the ultimate deal,” the source said.

“I don’t think our govern- ment is going to accept that unless it has something sweetened in the pipeline which ( King Salman and the crown prince) could sell to the Arab world—that the Palestinia­ns would have their own state.” Jordan, a US ally which has played a key role in the peace process since inking its bilateral deal with Israel in 1994, insists that no peace can be achieved without Jerusalem.

Jordanian political analyst Oraib Rantawi, who spoke with King Abdullah after the monarch met with top US administra­tion officials last week, said Amman is worried about being bypassed in favor of Saudi Arabia.

“There are direct dealings and a desire to present a deal that is unfair to the Palestinia­ns in return for securing US backing and paving the way for Gulf-Israeli cooperatio­n to confront Iran,” he said.

Most Arab states are unlikely to object to Trump’s announceme­nt because they find themselves more aligned with Israel than ever, particular­ly on countering Iran, said Shadi Hamid, senior fellow at Brookings Institutio­n in Washington,

“If Saudi officials, including the crown prince himself, were particular­ly concerned with Jerusalem’s status, they would presumably have used their privileged status as a top Trump ally and lobbied the administra­tion to hold off on such a needlessly toxic move,” he wrote in an article published in The Atlantic.

“It’s unlikely Trump would have followed through if the Saudis had drawn something resembling a red line.”

Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, a member of the security cabinet, told Army Radio in November that Israel has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabia, a disclosure of long-rumored secret dealings between the two countries which have no official ties.

Saudi Arabia denied the reports. But with both Saudi Arabia and Israel viewing Iran as a major main threat in the Middle East, shared interests may push them to work together.

Under Prince Mohammed, the kingdom is pushing back at what it sees as growing Iranian influence in and around its borders.

“They’ve got an unpreceden­ted level of support from Washington right now and seem to be making the most of it,” said a diplomat in the region. “They’re not willing to jeopardise that. They’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

“There are direct dealings and a desire to present a deal that is unfair to the Palestinia­ns in return for securing US backing and paving the way for GulfIsrael­i cooperatio­n to confront Iran.”

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