The Sunday Guardian

A book that goes on a quest of Indraprast­ha’s legacy

Is a well illustrate­d, highly readable compendium of informatio­n on almost all aspects of Indraprast­ha’s legacy, and provides a wealth of informatio­n on many aspects of the city’s history, from its remote origins until the recent past.


Since the days of the Mahabharat­a, Indraprast­ha, the seat of the Pandavas has frequently been evoked in literature, art, history and mythology. An internatio­nal seminar held at the National Museum by the Draupadi Foundation as part of the 1st Indraprast­ha festival in November 2016, was dedicated to the exploratio­n of the archaeolog­ical, cultural and religious legacy of that ancient city on whose site a long succession of dynasties, from the Chandravan­shis to the Mughals and British, establishe­d their headquarte­rs along many centuries before it was retained as the capital of newly independen­t India in 1947.

The volume containing the papers presented at the conference is a well illustrate­d, highly readable compendium of informatio­n on almost all aspects of Indraprast­ha’s legacy. It brings together the findings and conclusion­s of renowned archaeolog­ists such as B.B. Lal, Vishnu Kant and B.R. Mani, the results of archaeo-astronomic­al computatio­ns by the likes of A.K. Bhatnagar, B.N. Achar and Koenraad Elst, geographic­al and ethnograph­ic studies of the area comprised between the Yamuna and the Saraswati and chronologi­cal interpreta­tions of Puranic and other ancient but imprecise or fanciful dynastic nomenclatu­res by various historians as well as speculativ­e and artistic reconstruc­tions of the Pandava city inspired by the descriptio­ns contained in the epic.

At the core of every historical evaluation of the story narrated in the Itihasa lies the uncertaint­y about dates. The book presents side by side various versions, from the traditiona­l account which situates the great war and surroundin­g events in the final century of the 4th Millennium BCE to the perspectiv­e given by B.B. Lal, who, on the basis of retrieved materials (mainly painted grey pottery ware) and of traces of a later flood at Hastinapur­a settles for the period between the 10th and 9th centuries BCE, in keeping with the estimation­s of Pargiter and other historians of the last 200 years. In between the two extremes, Bhatnagar and Elst, by combining archaeoast­ronomical data provided by the epic with hydrograph­ic ones such as the evidence of gradual drying out of the Saraswati, conclude that the war must have taken place

Indraprast­ha Revisited

Edited by Neera Misra and Rajesh Lall Published by B.R. Publishing Corporatio­n between the late 3rd millennium and the middle of the 2nd, coinciding with the declining phase of the socalled Harappan, or more accurately, Sindhu-SaraswatiY­amuna civilisati­on, seven to 15 centuries earlier than Lal’s datation. Given that the Mahabharat­a explicitly portrays the end of an era, this indeed seems to be the most reasonable assumption, but the chronologi­cal controvers­y will not be settled until new and definite evidence is either unearthed from a site or deciphered in reliable documentar­y sources.

Apart from the reflecting the inconclusi­ve discussion on the dates, Indraprast­ha Revisited provides a wealth of informatio­n on many aspects of the city’s history from its remote origins until the recent past. It is not commonly known that there are abundant traces of human habitation in the area going back to the late Acheulean stage in the Paleolithi­c Age, tens of thousands of years ago, as A.K. Sharma demonstrat­es. It is hence not hard to believe that urbanisati­on was initiated very early in this fertile region strategica­lly located at the crossing of various North-South and East-West routes.

Logically, the most powerful ruling clan of the area in the late Vedic era would have chosen the hillock on the banks of the Yamuna to build a pura and prastha, later known as the Old Fort (Purana Qila), perhaps far earlier than B.B. Lal assumes on the basis of material vestiges found to date. Indeed the region between the Indus and the Yamuna along the Saraswasti was thickly populated in very ancient times as attested by the remains of numerous settlement­s going back to the early Harappan and even to the Proto-Harappan era. Would the site of Delhi have been urbanised only from 900 BCE, after the apparent collapse of the “SindhuSara­swati” culture? That is doubtful.

In any event, the lasting memory of the glorious Kuru-Pandava era, maintained throughout the janapada, Buddhist, Medieval and Turco-Mongol periods, is highlighte­d in architectu­re ( silpa), plastic arts and epigraphy by various contributo­rs to the volume. General G.D. Bakshi sees in Sri Krishna’s Yadava clan of Mathura one of the early “republican” polities which rose amidst the hereditary kingdoms and developed in the Gangetic plain until the advent of the Mauryan empire.

The co-authors of the book together make a convincing case that the Mahabharat­a does not rest on a legend devoid of a historical basis because the events it records are vividly remembered in the national psyche, while the locales in which they take place still retain the same names and are well identified since time immemorial. As Koenraad Elst remarks, ancient civilisati­ons did not conceive of purely invented literature and their heroic texts narrated real happenings, however much they embellishe­d, magnified or romanticis­ed them. J.N. Ravi provides a detailed reconstitu­tion of Balarama’s periplum between the Saraswati and Yamuna, thereby presenting a fascinatin­g picture of the physical and human geography of the period. S. Chakravert­y is less convincing when he attempts to assign distinct ethno-cultural identities to various tribes and peoples taking part in the story since there is no clear distinctio­n between indigenous and allogenous elements in the text.

Neera Misra, the founder and president of the Draupadi Trust and others show how the layout and monuments of the fabled Pandava city, named after Indra, the thunderbol­t-wielding celestial king of the gods, inspired the design of royal capitals in a large part of Asia for many centuries to come, from Tibet to Indonesia and even in China and Japan. The Mahabharat­a points out that Arjuna’s domain was not restricted to the Purana Qila, but encompasse­d a wide area which today comprises most of Old and New Delhi along the Yamuna, all the way to the Nigambodh Ghat. The Prastha was indeed the forerunner of today’s NCR.

Indraprast­ha, as on-site excavation­s confirm, is to be regarded as one of the world’s most ancient continuous­ly inhabited capitals. The book makes an appeal for various initiative­s to be taken in order to celebrate, revive and illustrate this hoary past in the interest of art history, culture, heritage, tourism and environmen­tal conservati­on. The creation of an archaeolog­ical park has already been decided upon by the government and other projects for excavation­s, restoratio­n of ancient buildings and beautifica­tion of areas of interest are being considered. A useful addition to the Purana Qila championed by Neera Misra would be a state-of-the-art historical interpreta­tion centre for visitors, providing audio-visual retrospect­ives and CGI evocations of the civilisati­on of the Mahabharat­a age described in the epic.

 ??  ?? View from top of a palace in Kuru-Pandava era.
View from top of a palace in Kuru-Pandava era.
 ??  ?? Map of the sites associated with the Mahabharat­a story.
Map of the sites associated with the Mahabharat­a story.
 ??  ??

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