The Sunday Guardian

He is omnipresen­t, all-seeing


When we do good deeds, we are firm in our conviction that God is omnipresen­t and all-seeing, and a permanent t record has been made of our goodness, and will stand us in good stead when we are called to account before Him. But, when we are doing bad deeds, we forget that he can see us, and pretend that nobody knows of our actions.

This surprising mispercept­ion arises out of our intelligen­t mind, used as it is to conducting our daily life in this dichotomou­s manner. My Teacher told me a story to illustrate this.

A person was in great trouble, and promised his inner self that in case his problems are resolved, he would sell his house and give all proceeds to charity. A time came when his problems went away, and he knew it was now time to make good on his promise.

He thought out a very intelligen­t method where he could keep the proceeds, even as he kept his promise to donate the money from the sale.

He said that he will sell the house and the cat together. The house was priced at one silver piece, and the cat was priced at ten thousand pieces, and both had to be bought at the same time.

When the sale was completed, he readily donated one silver piece for charity, and kept the remaining ten thousand for himself. He reasoned to himself that he had kept his promise, but we all know, that he did not.

He had only been too clever by half. The intelligen­t mind always barters, do this and get that. Intelligen­ce is a product of the mortal body, and will end when the body falls. When we are done with our clever ways, and surrender to Him with love, that is the beginning of being one with Him. Guru Granth Sahib says: Surrender your intelligen­t mind before the True Teacher: And all your affairs will be resolved.

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