The Sunday Guardian

For America’s spies, Afghanista­n is not Vietnam


As pictures of Chinook helicopter­s hovering above the US embassy in Kabul, reminiscen­t of similar scenes from Saigon 45 years ago, have gone viral on social media platforms, the tendency to draw parallels between Vietnam and Afghanista­n seems irresistib­le. There are of course some evident similariti­es—long wars, unfulfille­d missions, abandoning the locals, to name a few. But there have also been difference­s spanning across geography, culture, history, and more important, the nature of the enemy itself—in Afghanista­n, the US did not face a convention­al army. Yet, in this analysis, let us focus on a key area that puts Afghanista­n as a case completely different from Vietnam. That is, “intelligen­ce”.

The failures of US intelligen­ce in Vietnam are multifacet­ed, including poor strategic intelligen­ce in identifyin­g the communist insurgency, scarce manpower deployment, heavy dependence on technologi­cal intelligen­ce platforms at the cost of HUMINT, and finally, coordinati­on problems between several agencies—mainly the DOD and the CIA. In analysing the Afghan experience, observers are likely to raise some of these factors once again, especially the HUMINT angle. In fact, Tamim Asey, former Deputy Minister of Defence, Afghanista­n, has said that the US and its allies have deployed cuttingedg­e ISR capabiliti­es, “what is missing, however, is good HUMINT”.

The truth, in this regard, may not be as bleak as Asey asserts. Following the Vietnam debacle, and influenced by the experience­s of Operation Eagle Claw (1979), Beirut bombings (1983), and Gulf War (1990), the US had made considerab­le improvemen­ts in its HUMINT capabiliti­es. In fact, after the launch of Operation Enduring Freedom (2001) and the invasion of Iraq (2003), HUMINT focus on these two theatres raised concerns among some observers that the War on Terror had been diverting assets away from traditiona­l adversarie­s such as China and North Korea. Besides, the presence of contractor­s offering linguistic capabiliti­es as interprete­rs and interrogat­ors, in addition to local allies, provided the US a formidable HUMINT network in Afghanista­n. In point of fact, CIA director Bill Burns expressed his biggest concern with the US withdrawal to be the loss of intelligen­ce network, which could potentiall­y diminish the agency’s “ability to collect and act on threats”.

Thus, infrastruc­turally and operationa­lly, US intelligen­ce had improved manifold since Vietnam, that organisati­onal factors serve little analytical purpose in examining US failures in Afghanista­n. An argument can still be made that Iraq served as a diversion, which absorbed a chunk of intelligen­ce capabiliti­es that could have otherwise focused on Afghanista­n. However, a thorough analysis of this perspectiv­e will need more scholarly effort and evidence in support of such an argument. In such an instance, another effective way of observing American failures is by examining the strengths and successes of the enemy intelligen­ce and counterint­elligence. Both insurgent groups Viet Cong and the Taliban shared similar intelligen­ce mechanisms that relied on local support and terrain advantage. But, beyond this, both parties enjoyed support from foreign countries, who became their key intelligen­ce partners. It is here that Afghanista­n emerges distinct from Vietnam; one that makes the former a much bigger embarrassm­ent to Washington.

The Vietnam saga being one of ideologica­l competitio­n had seen the North Vietnamese government ally with the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Vietnamese intelligen­ce officers were trained by the PRC during the 1950s. Later as the conflict intensifie­d, the Soviet KGB and the GRU became active intelligen­ce partners of the Viet Minh, while the PRC provided occasional tip-offs on American air raids. A project titled “Vostok” witnessed Soviet assistance in radio counter-espionage, radio intelligen­ce and communicat­ions security. Given the US’ technocrat­ic operations, the Vietnamese radio counteresp­ionage operations were quite successful in thwarting Us-south Vietnamese efforts in building an intelligen­ce network. Radio intelligen­ce further offered valuable details about planned US airstrikes, whilst the GRU’S ELINT support enabled the Vietnamese to detect, identify and exploit US electronic jamming signals. As is evident, foreign support to Vietnam came mostly in the domain of operationa­l intelligen­ce. At the strategic level, the Vietnamese refused to be guided by the interests of any other country. Even the KGB and the PRC intelligen­ce were considered prime targets of the Vietnamese counterint­elligence.

In contrast, the Afghan experience presents complexity and shows greater strategic supervisio­n from foreign agencies. First of all, the Taliban’s internatio­nal partner—pakistan—was not recognised by the US as an ideologica­l foe, but a frontline ally. Secondly, the Pakistani intelligen­ce— Inter-services Intelligen­ce (Isi)—unlike the KGB and PRC, was not limited to provision of operationa­l and tactical support to Taliban. With direct stakes in the Afghan conflict, driven largely by its quest for strategic depth (a concept propounded by former ISI chief Mirza Aslam Beg), the ISI devised a “strategic deception” plan against the US to better guide its clients in Afghanista­n. The present rout of US from Afghanista­n is evidence of its monumental success.

At least three key aspects come to mind where Washington fell victim to Pakistani deception, leading to the current crisis in Afghanista­n. The first was to convince the Americans of

“rogue elements” within the ISI. The numerous American intelligen­ce agencies operating in Af-pak were aware of the ISI’S double games but were conflicted in declaring the ISI an enemy due to their differing assessment­s of the Isi-jihadist nexus. For some, the ISI had a few capable and profession­al officers while support for jihadism was mostly carried out by lower rank officials or retired personnel. Even when evidence of ISI’S links with the Haqqanis or the Taliban emerged, they were dismissed as evidence of the ISI’S incompeten­ce and not proof of the agency’s control over the jihadists. It appears that none of the American agencies managed to place the indicators and inputs within the framework of Pakistan’s quest for strategic depth in Afghanista­n, which would have presented a different reality.

The second major deception aspect employed by the ISI was to declare Pakistan as a “victim of terrorism”. The fuel for this hogwash was given by a carefully calibrated leak by the ISI in 2010 of an assessment that claimed a “two-thirds likelihood of a major threat to the [Pakistani] state coming from militants rather than from India or elsewhere”. The tone and tenor of this assessment that regarded India—considered Pakistan’s mortal enemy—as a second grade threat was readily accepted by internatio­nal observers as evidence of a changing Pakistan. While vast sections in the US accepted this assessment, the ISI used this to convince people at home of a joint Indian, American and French conspiracy against Pakistan via Afghanista­n. The fact that terrorism in Pakistan was a self-created problem was convenient­ly ignored by the internatio­nal community; as was the continuing sponsorshi­p to groups aimed at India.

The same year, the third deception ploy—one of a “reformed Isi”—was laid following the arrest of Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Pakistan. After the arrest of Baradar and other Taliban leaders, the Economist interprete­d the event as “reflecting a change in policy” in Islamabad. Bruce Riedel, former CIA analyst, termed the event a “sea change in Pakistani behaviour”. Indian intelligen­ce analysts, such as the late B. Raman, had questioned the veracity of such claims considerin­g the struggle that was brewing between the ISI and Taliban’s senior leadership. But Washington was far from identifyin­g the ISI’S scheme. As Steve Coll notes, the US intelligen­ce community was unable to discern whether the ISI’S arrests were to demonstrat­e cooperatio­n with the US or to punish “rogue” clients.

Therefore, today as we witness the plight of Afghans at the hands of the Taliban, it is confirmati­on that the US has been the victim of history’s greatest strategic deception programme. Trillions of dollars have been spent to finally offer Afghanista­n to Pakistan on a silver platter. Mullah Baradar, whose arrest gave rise to claims of a reformed ISI, is now recognised by the US as a legitimate negotiator, even as reports suggest his being handled by the ISI. In fact, while in Doha for negotiatio­ns, Baradar had requested that the Qatari authoritie­s allow ISI officials to be invited for political meetings. Thus, the defeat of the US or the victory of Pakistan owes to the ISI’S correct reading of US’ long-term intentions. As former ISI chief Hamid Gul had declared in 2014, “when history is written, it will be stated that the ISI defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanista­n. Then there will be another sentence; the ISI with the help of America defeated America”. Gul’s prophetic declaratio­n is nothing but proof that an elaborate deception plan was laid by the ISI.

In final words, if future historians were to compare Vietnam and Afghanista­n, they would do well to recognise that for American spies, Afghanista­n is not Vietnam. Vietnam was a case of misunderst­anding the enemy whereas Afghanista­n was the “wrong enemy”.

Dheeraj P.C. holds a PHD in Intelligen­ce Studies from the University of Leicester, UK.

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