Gettin’ Jiggy With It


Bally’s footwear collection for spring/ summer 2017 includes the kind of shoes you would wear when you’re shaking it up on the dance floor. With an array of bright colors, bold prints, and a strong ’80s pop reference, the Swiss luxury fashion house redefines what it means to be funky and elegant at the same time. Just look at the collection’s white leather trainers embroidere­d with Swiss mountain flowers or the black satin loafers sporting pink flowers and encircled with green stems. Both shoes go swimmingly with anything from a suit and tie to the simple whiteT-shirt-and-jeans combinatio­n. For its collection of sneakers, Bally took cues from the works of French graphic artist Bernard Villemot, whose blend of elegant lines and bold shapes gives you the perfect hippity-hop feel for a disco night in town. You can check out the collection at Bally’s newly-reopened store in Plaza Indonesia.

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